Progress Update

Day 1,328, 06:08 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

I decided to slip this article in before the next series of interviews get replied to in my inbox. Today, as I write this, we have 9 regions, a much better number than the time we had none, but the work is not done. As you can see from the people I interviewed, the President's prediction of 2 months for all regions to be gathered and returned to our control seems pretty spot on, with a week or two grace period depending on the status of world affairs. To me, whether or not we make a full recovery will fall to the hands of the American people, and if we get energized enough to keep fighting, to keep our heads high like we did during the longer, more brutal parts of this conflict.

History shows us that any nation that gets into a crisis cannot just crawl out of it in a week, or even a month, but that a long series of events, a cycle, must take place in order for the recovery to be a success. Unity within this nation will be a major party of that, keeping the people together like the brothers and sisters we are, the sons and daughters of America. If we fail to see that the bonds we share can get us through this, then we fail to see our main road to recovery. The golden days of this nation are not in the past, but they sit in our future, and in one day, hopefully soon, we shall reach the altar of freedom and move forward into what can only be described as prosperity.

Another thing I would like to do is start taking user-submitted pieces about current events, and about the way our leaders in government are doing. If you would like to type a short piece and send it my inbox, just make sure it has a title, and you should also sign it at the bottom so the people know who to thank. I would love to help promote my fellow writers who don't write for a paper, or would like to get audiences outside their newspaper a chance to see good literature.

Stay tuned in on Meet the Press, because just a few moments ago, I sent another interview request out, but for the reasons of surprise, I will not name the person I am hoping to get in this paper's next interview edition. Guess you'll all just have to come back and join us again here on Meet the Press, written for the people of America.