Progress in the eUK!

Day 1,209, 16:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

It is with great delight that I announce to you all today the attack on inflation!

As I went to exchange gold for pounds, I looked and saw the rate at 1 pound = 0.014 gold. Initially, I felt cheated and outraged I was getting less for my hard-earned gold. But then I checked the other side and saw 1 gold = 78 pounds. This is wonderful! Inflation has dropped by roughly 11% in just a few days. This means gold is more easily gained by the average player from honest means... (meaning they don't sell their livers in real life to the admins to buy 300 gold in 1 sitting).

So here we are. Inflation is falling, people have more purchasing power, the party president elections are soon to be here, and the moon is still there. We are by no means through the hard-spots our economy has been plundged into by the super-inflation caused by purchasing gold with real money, but we are making progress.

And now, my advice for people interested in the eUK economy (hopefully everyone).

1. Grain companies are a very profitable source of money if you're looking to create a business. The current price of about 0.08 is much better than the price of 0.06 (which has fallen from 0.07) for iron.

2. Q5 food is outrageous. If you have the vast amount of money to actually make a Q5 food company, DON'T. Why not? Hardly anybody buys it. Why? Because it's overly priced. End of story.

3. Buy Q2 weapons.

4. Moving tickets are overly priced and should only bought in emergency situations.

5. There is no point in donating money to political parties as of the moment since advertising has been removed. If you end up wasting your gold after reading this article... Then well that's really just pathetic.

That is all for now. Thank you for your time.