Progress in the BEP

Day 1,202, 05:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

It is with great pleasure that I announce to you all today a variety of progressions the BEP has made.

Membership: The BEP has, as of right now, gained 3 official members, and 2 more who are waiting to level up.

This appeal to new ePeople of the eUK will be continued and strengthened. We will strive to help the newcomers as much as possible. To do this, I have two companies: Imperial Materials UK (An iron company) and Imperial Arms (Weapon company). I would be priviledged if the newcomers to the BEP (and anyone else out there) would join my companies. I will provide fair wages and instead of firing blatantly, like so many lovely fellows do, I will inform my employees of what needs to be done and how to go about it. This friendly step-by-step contact and informative partnership is just another part of the BEP that shows: Yes, we are a serious party and we will be heard!

Ranking: The BEP has risen, in just 1 day, from ranking #9 to #7. We are making progress! With increased membership we can more efficiently distribute tasks and duties to party members, versus having two people do everything.

Also, at this very moment, the BEP official forums have been opened and members are strongly encouraged to PM either bamber or myself in order to get the link to the forum. This is where we will discuss the mechanics of our party, select duties, and perhaps have some entertainment.

Lastly, I have been informed that the BEP manifesto has been written and completed by bamber. It lies in his newspaper: Your text to link here...

A more complex and refined manifesto will certainly be drafted in the near future, but this will provide an overview of the principles of this most glorious and expanding party.

That is all, thank you for your time.