Problems, my friends, problems!

Day 682, 01:21 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red_Baxter

Friends, Czechs, countrymens.
These are hard times for our dear Republic, a time when I speak to you full of sorrow regarding present situation in country.
A time when I am angry because of sistematic exploits of our citizens, both by foreign players and our government.
A time when we finally got training war, just to fear for its future in next days, because our president cannot be active every second day from 12:00 to 14:00 erep time.
A time when speculators got control over our Monetary Market, because our government dont know what to do.

Training War:

As you all know, we declared war to Slovakia as part of higher agenda called training war.
A contract was made called Mushroom wars

However, current training battle started on 01 October 2009, 14:51, what is 2:51 hours later than it should.

Regarding the contract, we (Czech Republic), due to mistake of our president, Jura52, must pay compensation of 100gold to Slovakia.
It is stated here:

˝The following penalties will be issued if Czech Republic will not start training battle on time by two hours:

f) A 100 gold payment to „Urad vlady Slovenska” ( by the violator, as compensation, divided to other participants of training war split by total % of population.

100 gold is more than monthly GDP of Czech Republic!
Do you think that we, as country, must pay this because of mistake from our inactive president Jura52?
Not just we lost 100gold, but we lost reputation and confidence of our friends from other side of training war.

Monetary Market:

As you all may see, Czech currency CZK went from last week, when it was 0.009gold, to 0.012gold and more. Yesterday, on day 680, it was 0.017gold!
Some of you may say that this is good, we have strenghtened our currency and that is allways good. But it is not.
Main problem is that CZK was strenghtened by mostly foreign speculators, not by our own bank!
It means that foreign speculators have big amounts of CZK and they are dictating our currency, getting rich for almost 40% of invested money, because most of CZK was bougth by them when its cost was 0.008 - 0.009 gold. It is selling now for 0.012 - 0.017 gold!

And what did our government done regarding that issue??? One big NOTHING.

I will not post now my and Jura52´s talk about this issue, but main fact is that Jura statement about our own currency in this situation is:
CZK is not worth our gold!
...We could buy CZK when it was 0.008gold, but it wasn´t worth it...

When I informed him 2 days ago about situation on our MM, he told me that he will inform Slava about it. That is really uinterested answer by a president!
Minister of finances, Slava?
Does anybody knows this man? He is not writing articles, he is not commenting articles, he is not active on our IRC channel, I havent heared him for a month or so!
His last article about CZK is this one:
CZK appreciation: sink'em!
Do you think we should give even more CZK to foreign speculators by buying their Gold
offers? Absolutelly not! Giving more and more CZK into cirulation, expecially to foreign speculators, is not a progressive way.

Our ministry chairmans hadnt published a single report about our finances or about economy, which is also in terrible shape.
Now I am too much tired to point on dozens of our economy mistakes, starting with our taxtation system.
Maybe in next few days I would gather determination to start discussing that.

At the end of this all, what should I say? Should we blame government? Or ourselves?

I think we should blame ourselves, because:
We are not in position to gather whole economy sector to discuss payments, and we could because we are few!
We are not in position to elect active governmental elements on who we can rely on and who could run our country through every serious issue, and believe me, dozens of issues can be discussed every day!
We dont have a link between ministers of finances / economy and congress.
Most of our congress members are same old players who are not checking newspapers and are active in this game as plants (or zombies - 2clickers).
We are not in situation even to create sistematic determination for our new citizens. We dont own any governmental company which would gve a job to newcomers, what is usual thing in most countries in erepublik - so called Training companies.

We need strong reformation of country functionality, and we will not achieve that through same boring, inactive and uninterested play.

A new power is awakeing, which is bored of same stance, a power that will put this country in place where it deserves, make situation in country mobile and disciplined, fully organizational and we hope that every Czech citizen who loves his country will join us!
*More about it in my next article.

Oh and a little advice at the en😛
Vote DaLe for president. At least he is active xD
But I also believe he is the man who will activate our community.

Regards, RedBaxter