problems in eNorway

Day 287, 13:42 Published in Greece Greece by seatchle

original text

""""""""There has been whole lot of news articles and comments on forums about Forconin and Salve to return the gold Forconin stole from eNorway's treasury.

I was one of the few to openly give my support on Forconin on this case, trusting in his word to return the gold to the treasury "after things are settled". This is not the case and even I feel like being betrayed. We don't need the gold for me, but for the well being of whole of eNorway and before the President had rights to this gold, of course with congress's approval.

Now, congress AND Forconin AND Salve would be needed - and Inunova, except that he did not agree to this laughable contract proposal from Forconin.
People, I suggest you to put pressure on Admins and on Forconin, Salve and those supporting them, to release the gold to its rightful place. Not to Inunova's pocket. Not to Sovereign Finland, but to the people of eNorway - putting it back in to the country treasury!

Here is a forum link to the discussion about this "Contract" that has already been dubbed as being blackmailing, joke and last attempts to cling in to power by Forconin and Salve.

World News Network,
Congress member of eNorway""""""""

It seems a similiar situation as eGreece, and as for me this cannot be stood for, the admins need to take action, or something needs to be put into place to prevent this...

help the word spread of these BS events, wrote your own articles, vote for the topics holding these facts, and tell friends in foreign countries to spread the word of these misfortunes..
