Pro South Africa Party

Day 701, 13:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

Hello eSA!

I'd like to announce the birth of a new party, and the death of an old one. A party is founded when people share a common goal, idea, view of life, or community. eRepublic has many kinds of parties - there are parties that imitate real life doctrines, there are parties that are meant to unite members of a certain nationality, in a foreign country, or even their own, there are parties that have been founded for a PTO maneuver, there are parties founded just based on a fun idea, and there even parties that are not meant to unite people, just to be a joke, with a funny name, or logo.

The TANA was founded as counter-movement to Ajay's TO in the ANA. It was named "True" because it represented real players, who cast real votes against Ajay and his policies, and yet were defeated by sheer power - multiple accounts. Our idea was to carry on Philip's ANA, an ANA that actually worked for eSA, and didn't promote TO, or useless trolling, or any other destructive activities.

However, the idea that binded us together was weakened when Ajay was banned, and Dutch Marley inherited the PP position. Some of us thought that it was to move back, and reunite the ANA as it no longer was under Ajay's rule. Some of us thought that there were rightful elections, and Dutch was never chosen to be the Party President - and as he didn't resigned, they stayed.

Having a True ANA is no longer a need, as Dutch's leadership wasn't our choice, we didn't agree, nor disagree with it. It was pure chance, and he profited of it. There not much activity over there, so it's not bad, not good..It's a silent, neutral ANA. But it's no longer led by such Ajay, so it basically became THE True ANA, as good or bad as it is.

Therefore, having a second ANA is no longer meaningful. That's why that (short) era is over, and it's time for a change.

This change is the Pro South Africa Party.

I've chosen this new name because that's what I feel that I, and our members represent. Sure, we may not be Enochs (at the moment), but we have good intentions that our above personal levels. we have good intentions for eSA.

Our doctrine:

This party is not conservative or liberal, left or right or any real world policies that don't really apply here. Our motto, and our doctrine is very simple:

"Do something, no matter how small, for your country, every day."

That's the one and only doctrine we have. We want to work together to better our country.

Our policies towards other parties:

We think that collaboration is great way to work. More hands do more, and when you are responsible not only to yourself, but someone else too, you are more likely to work well. We also think that healthy competition is a very fun way to make plain work more interesting, but only as long as the energy released goes in a positive way. If parties sling mud, and make scandals to gain an upper hand, the country wins nothing. But if the parties would compete in doing good things, compete in showing up the most results, eSA would have lot to win from this. That's why a bit of friendly competition makes miracles. To sum up, we believe in:

Cooperation and Positive Competition

Our policies regarding the country, and it's liberation:

We feel that the countries current leadership has found the right way of doing this. We could either do nothing, or do foolish, unprepared action that endangers our country, but that wouldn't lead anywhere. That's why we believe in:

Constant growth, one step at a time.

These our policies.

To former TANA members:

Staying, or going to back to the ANA is your choice. If you feel that you believe in these ideas, stay. If you want to go back to the ANA, go. But to be honest, I'd like all of you stay. I'd like if even Exilious and Maxpayne50 would come back, even if they risk not running in the congress elections this month. Sure, I am saying this because we need to grow in the rankings, and every member counts. But that's not the only reason. In these few days, and before the ANA PP elections, I have worked a lot with you, guys, and it was very good. You are all great people! I feel good in your company, and I'd hate to see you depart. But ultimately, it's your choice. Stay, and you might miss the elections - but have a great time. Go, and you'll have a shot at getting that shiny medal - but you'll miss the fun, and (even) work we offer you to help eSA. It's a question of priorities, and I leave that decision up to you.

To possible new members

If you like our ideas, and if you are are dedicated, active player, or plan to become one, join us! You'll quickly see we are not a dead party like many out there! Sure, we're more like a long term investment - but I can guarantee you that you'll have the most fun with us 🙂 So, give it a try! You can always leave if you don't like it! But I am pretty sure you will!

Join us now!

Party President of the Pro South Africa Party