Prizes of products just gets lower

Day 292, 12:33 Published in Norway Finland by taamu

In just a few days prizes of almost all products have been critically decreasing. For example, 3 days ago the cheapest [a url=]house[/a] on market was about 108NOK and now it is 97NOK. Also the cheapest [a url=]food[/a] costs only 0.27NOK, and in the beginning of the week it was almost 0.40NOK.

I can't say that high competition is bad for us consumers. We get our products with cheaper prizes and so on we have more money in hand.
But here is a little advice to producers: Do not try and try and try to make your products the cheapest one in market, it just is a negative side to whole economy. Keep your prizes on certain level, do not just lower them every time when someone else does that.

If most of the producers would keep their prizes on the certain level, you would get more profit out of it and raise your employees salaries by that way. More money is always more money!