PrincessVictoria: Reflections on Congress

Day 1,185, 04:34 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

My, it has been a long time since my last article! 24 days? I’m surprised some of you haven’t started flooding my inbox to find out what happened to me after the January 2011 Congressional Elections. I’ve had some in another game ask where I went and I answered them this: I, like many others, have college classes that I have to keep up with. That played a major part in why I took a hiatus from eRepublik but I have that under control.

However, I have a second reason for this game. It’s one that has kept me thinking about my fate in this game. I struggled for awhile with whether or not I wanted to find another party and run with them or just swear off parties altogether after being robbed a second time in the elections. If I had trusted my instincts and written a professional congressional article, maybe I would’ve had a chance. But no, both times I listened to a select handful of voices and decided to do both ‘for the lulz’.

It was not until later that I figured out that such advice was counter-intuitive to my hopes of getting into Congress. Losing the campaign is not my beef; it’s the fact that I might’ve had a better chance if I’d been given the proper advice. And it is for that reason I am very upset with what help I did receive in my first campaign. I would love an apology for being misled but I have bigger fish to fry.

I think we're gonna need a bigger frying pan.

However, I will not allow such setbacks to repeat themselves in the upcoming Congressional elections. I give my thanks to Sleeve and another person (whose name escapes my memory at the moment, my apologies) who helped set me straight in the aftermath of my last election.

That’s right. PrincessVictoria’s back and ready for business in the February 2011 congressional elections.

Till next time, my dear readers…