PrincessVictoria: From Campaign to Congress in Mississippi

Day 1,218, 18:41 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

Welcome to my March 2011 campaign article! This will be a retooling of last month's article as I develop my style for articles of this nature. Now let's get to business!

Let me remind you that the Congressional elections in the United States are on March 25th. Have you decided who to vote for yet?

I’m PrincessVictoria and I’m running for Congress in Missisippi. I’d like to offer you my eRepublik “resume” to help you in your search for the right person to vote for on March 25th.

- I made my grand debut into the eWorld on June 6, 2010 (Day 929).

-I have experience with two Congress-like bodies in a game called Cybernations. My terms were seven months and eight months respectively.

- I've been a member of the US Military. I was a former PCO of the eUS National Guard's Mike 2 and Mike 5.

-I've also been an ambassador to eGermany.

I've got leadership experience but those are from other games but I need to refine my skills here to better server you, the voter..

I’d be proud to serve my home.

You will be the ones I thank when I win and begin to gain that experience. How can you do your part? Get out and vote for me on the 25th of March. No food, no tickets, no problem! I’ll help you get there to vote and you’ll have my thanks. I’ll even send you a reminder message if you want me to.

If I can have your vote, I’ll help you out. I’m here to serve you from campaign to Congress in Mississippi.

Till next time, my dear readers...