PrincessVictoria's Transmision: "This means war, Mr. Frost."

Day 1,118, 21:53 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria
My fellow eAmericans,

At the time I am writing, I have, by the Grace of God, made it to the Carolinas. However, my exodus was less than picture perfect. I will embellish on the details in the confines of this article but I place the blame for what I experienced on the Frost administration and its heathen supporters.

It was around 9 o’ clock in the evening when a knock sounded upon the door of the good ol’ Schloss in California. The evening was winding down and I had been curled up on the couch with a good book after putting together a suitcase of my things since I knew my comrades from the Libertarian Party would arrive with correspondence from our dearest leaders. I admit, I did not heed the earlier warnings that those that were flagged as “politically impure” on a rather suspect list needed to get in touch with HQ and figure out which Greyhound bus to hotfoot it out of town on. With that being said, the actions taken by the Frost administration on my Californian property were less than honorable and inexcusable to anyone with a conscience.

I donned my winter coat before I shoved my novel into my purse. I had assumed that the knock at the door would be connected to my allies in the Counter Revolution. My assumptions were what ruined my evening and gave me cause to fear for my life as I fled. I opened my door to find the ends of several weapons thrust in my face before the militia entered my home. Two men proceeded to press me against the wall as the rest of the militia tore through the residence, looting and insisting that I divulge classified party information and surrender myself to the reeducation process. I vehemently objected to commit such a heinous act and was sent crashing to the floor after receiving a few blows to the torso with the end of the rifles belonging to the men from Frost’s militia.

A moderate amount of time had passed since the attack and I remained captive in my own home. I had been seated on the floor and was hardly resting while the militia scoured my residence for more information but thankfully, was not fruitful in their efforts. I remained under the watch of one militia member who made a careless error during his stay in my home. After he left to answer the call from one of his fellow members, I scooped up my purse and sprinted for the door. I ran headlong for my vehicle in the shaded end of my driveway, fumbling for the keys as I went. I was turning the ignition when I caught a glimpse of the one who had made the mistake of leaving me alone for that split-second, standing stunned in the doorway like a deer caught in my headlights. He was shouting for the other men as I whipped my sedan around and spun gravel under my tires as I made my hasty escape. I could tell that the gaggle was regrouping and commencing their hunt as I made haste for the backroads. They would expect that I would head for the Interstate first thing and I was too infuriated to give them the satisfaction. I could not allow them the chance to catch up to me, not even once during my cross-country drive.

My countrymen, we must put a stop to the tyranny of the Frost regime. I stand before you as living proof to the willingness of Frost and his cronies to stop at nothing to subdue any that stand in his way. Will you stand with the Counter Revolution or with the oppressors that hold eAmerica hostage? I pray that you will make the right choice for yourself and your country.

As for me, I will gladly stand with the Libertarians and will not rest until I take my revenge upon the vile crew that ran me out of my home. You’ve crossed paths with the wrong HRH and your men have trampled on the wrong Princess. Frost, consider yourself warned.

Eagerly awaiting the day when peace reigns again in eAmerica,
~ PrincessVictoria