Princess Victoria on the New eRep Battle Module

Day 1,045, 08:18 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

I think I shocked myself this morning. How?

I actually enjoyed something the mods did!

See? Even Hillary Clinton is shocked! So now it’s srs bsns.

I had written off the new battle module as nothing more than another precursor to the death of eRepublik after the first time I got on and couldn’t attack. I could see everything going on around me but when I pressed ‘FIGHT’, it was a no go. And I sat there…

And sat there…

And sat there some more…

Maybe I was just too harsh, who knows. I’ve just had so much trouble loading anything on eRep lately. Even logging on for the past couple days has become a fierce battle rivaling the one at Isengard in the LotR: The Return of the King. And I should know, it was so fierce I fell asleep in the theater after the battle ended.

Then there was the morning of September 30, 2010. It was a normal morning by any means considering that I follow my usual morning routine before school. I get up, I get ready, I make my lunch (Peanut Butter Sandwich FTW), and I work with the computer before I leave to catch the bus. I’d checked my email, another forum or two, CyberNations, and then I ended up with eRepublik. And then something changed…

I’m like Whoaaaaa! The battle mod is working and I haven’t had to beg and plead?

Party time, excellent!

I was blown away. It worked? Yes! The battle module was working and I could lay the virtual smack down once again (without having to worry about coordinates, thank God)! I could switch weapons and battle away until my health points said otherwise. The coordinates were my biggest problem with the previous battle module because it would take forever to get to a point on the battlefield due to the length of turns. I would more than likely be escaping the battle to find somewhere to hide and wait for a solid month or more to recover my health and happiness.

What about now? I can just load up on food and recover my health and happiness to my left and fight away to my right. It’s so fantastic to enjoy the game again.

If we can get my salary back up from where it is, then I’m game.

Thank you, O gracious eRep mods, for not messing the game up this time!

Till next time, my fellow eAmericans...
~ PrincessVictoria