Primera Edición del Nya Tidning! [Tutorial eRepublik Plus]

Day 661, 09:05 Published in Spain Spain by angeldav

Hoy lanzo la primer edición de lo que espero que sea un buen periódico para todo el mundo. De ayuda, de risas, de compañerismo. De poder llevar entre todos a una eEspaña a lo más grande en el Nuevo Mundo. Y es por ello, que para empezar, me gustaría traeros algo de información que he descubierto en los artículos de eFrancia, que muchos seguro que no querrán ni volver a saber nada de ella.

Se trata de un plugin para eRepublik, llamado eRepublik Plus. Y muchos diréis, ¿Qué es un plugin? Un plugin es solo un añadido que mejora la funcionalidad de un elemento, en este caso el propio eRepublik. Decir que eRepublik Plus es completamente legal y cumple con las Normas de eRepublik.

Os traduciría todo el texto que está expuesto en inglés a continuación, pero creo que exponiendo las ventajas que dispone este nuevo método, así como un par de imágenes hará que os lo instaléis y podráis aprovechar más vuestros pocos clicks diarios que hagáis.

¿Cómo instalar eRepublik Plus?

eRepublik Plus requiere el navegador Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10 o versión superior (no soporta versiones Beta) y el Add-On Greasymonkey.

La instalación de eRepublik Plus se hace en 9 sencillos pasos:

1. Descarga e installa Mozilla Firefox en tu ordenador.
2. Arranca Mozilla Firefox, ve a la web de Greasemonkey y haz click en el botón verde "Descargar Ahora".
3. La pantalla "Instalación de Software" aparecerá. Hacer click en "Instalar ahora".
4. Un nuevo cuadro de diálogo aparecerá. Pinchar en "Reiniciar Firefox". En el siguiente aviso, pinchar en "Reiniciar".
5. Una vez Firefox se reinicie verás un cuadro de diálogo diciendo que "Un nuevo complemente se ha instalado". Puedes cerrar esta ventana. En estos momentos, Greasemonkey debería estar ya instalado. Podemos comprobarlo si aparece un icono de una cara de un mono en la parte inferior derecha del navegador. Si es así, está instalado correctamente.
6. Vamos a la página de descarga de eRepublik Plus y pincha en el botón verde "Install".
7. Un nuevo cuadro de diálogo sobre la Instalación de Greasymonkey aparecerá. Hacer click en "Instalar".
8. Si todo ha ido bien, saldrá un mensaje diciendo que "eRepublik Plus" se ha instalado correctamente en la parte inferior derecha del navegador.
9. Ahora podemos ir a eRepublik y disfrutar de las nuevas mejoras que eRepublik Plus ofrece.


El Wellness ahora se muestra en el apartado de "Todos los Empleados" de una empresa.
(Ya adaptada en la nueva versión de eRepublik normal)

Enlaces Rápidos

Mapas Interactivos

Calculadora de wellness

Intercambiar Divisas (Mercado Monetario)

Precio de las Materias Primas y Productos en función de precios de productos Q1

En la sección "Ejército" se muestra el daño hecho con los diferentes tipos de armas

Filtros a la hora de buscar el mejor trabajo

Traductor automático de noticias (Powered by Google Translator) y acceso directo a "Todos los comentarios"

Y en la nueva versión 0.56 de eRepublik Plus ¡GOLD por todos los lados!

Las Materias Primas y los Productos tienen una columna al lado que muestra el precio equivalente de la Moneda Local en GOLD.

Y éstas son todas las características de eRepublik Plus. Seguro que muchas os ayudarán en el futuro día a día en el juego. Yo la instalé ayer y solo por tener algunas de las mejoras, merece la pena, y más siendo gratis.

Si os ha gustado la información, por favor, VOTADLA y SUSCRIBIOS. Entre todos podremos hacer una eEspaña mejor.


Hello dear eCitizens and eRepublik Plusers,

Today is a very important day for me. This is the first edition of the Nya Tidning, and I hope it would be a good newspaper for everyone. A newspaper of help, of joy, of fellowship. All together we need to guide eSpain to the top of the New World. And because of that I want to bring some information I found on eFrance and I consider good to help us.

What is eRepublik Plus?

eRepublik Plus is a Greasemonkey user script written in that helps eCitizens by extending the base functionality of eRepublik, thus making the game "easier" to play.

It’s envisioned like a "click less - do more" aid that will help you quicker do routine tasks and leave you more time for thinking and making decisions. It uses eAPI in accordance with 6.2 eRepublik Law to deliver richer gaming experience to the eRepublik Community. [url=
7]Source code[/url] is publicly available for your reference. It’s a true user generated content made entirely available to other users to use.

How to install eRepublik Plus?

eRepublik Plus requires you to have Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10 or newer web browser (no support for Beta’s of Firefox) and Greasemonkey add-on.

Installation of eRepublik Plus in ten easy steps:

1 Download and install Mozilla Firefox on your computer.
2. Start Mozilla Firefox, go to Greasemonkey site and click ‘Add to Firefox’ green button there.
3. Dialog "Software Installation" will appear. Click "Install Now".
4. New Dialog "Add-ons" will appear. Click "Restart Firefox" there. On next dialog click "Restart".
5. After Firefox restarts you will see "Add-ons" Dialog saying that "1 new add-on has been installed. You can close that dialog now. You should have Greasemonkey installed now.
6. Double check if Greasemonkey is installed by examining right bottom corner of your browser. It should show Monkey icon there if installed properly.
7. Go to eRepublik Plus download page and click green "Install" button it top right corner.
8. Dialog "Greasemonkey Installation" will appear. Here click "Install". If you want, you can examine source code by clicking "Show Script Source".
9. If everything goes well, you will get message ‘eRepublik Plus’ installed successfully in bottom right corner of your browser.
10. Now go to eRepublik and enjoy features eRepublik Plus offers.

Features and how to use them

Once you have successfully installed eRepublik Plus you'll have new features not present in original eRepublik. As you browse from page to page, you will notice that you have some extra links, extra buttons and extra information you did not have before.

Wellness shown on All employees page Feature

Let's assume you are the company owner and you would like to check wellness of your employees as it directly affects productivity of employees and your profit.
If your company has 10 employees, without eRepublik Plus you had to click every single of them and open 10 new windows or tabs in order to check employee wellness. Than you have to write it down somewhere and do your math. With eRepublik Plus, just go to All Employees page and voila – wellness is there!!! Simply copy paste data into your Excel and you are done. No more boring and time consuming typing as well as stressing the game server with gazillion of clicks. eRepublik Plus uses special, dedicated eAPI feed to get wellness of your employees. No stress for you, no stress for gaming server.

Quick Links Feature

eRepublik Plus gives you the ability to define 10 links shown below the main menu.

You can define link caption, URL (including !) and if the link will be opened in a new or existing window/tab.
Defining the links is done through eRepublik Plus Settings page (Community > Tools > Plus Settings tab). Simply enter the caption, url and check if you would like to open link in a new window and you are done.

Simple examples of usage would be to define links to your national forum, or you can define link to your very best friend to quickly check if he/she is online. Or, you can for instance add a link to donations page, or if you are donating to your company frequently you can also define link that will bring you directly to that page, including to whom you are donating. Just copy/paste the link from address bar when you are on page where you donate something to someone and it will be available to you just one click away. That way you basically do for yourself whatever you wanted eRepublik Plus natively do. And access to virtually any part of eRepublik is just a SINGLE click away.

Now, let's go to a bit more advanced and more powerful way of using Quick Links.
Type something like "Hello" for caption and for URL put something like: ": alert('Hello eWorld!');" (without the quotes but with apostrophes). Go to your profile and see that link appeared in Quick Links. Now click it and you will get alert box with message Hello eWorld! Just an example, a lot more complex and powerful things can be done this way if you are familiar with .

Third feature is that Quick Links allow you to use jQuery, one of the well-known frameworks for . It supports a lot of stuff and all that power is available to you now. For example, try adding link with caption "Green" and as a URL put something like ": $j('body').css('background-color', green);" (without quotes). Now again, go to Profile and click Green button. I hope you are now aware of what power you have with eRepublik Plus Quick Links feature.

A lot of power also brings a lot of responsibility. Please be aware of security issues that such a powerful thing brings with it. NEVER, absolutely NEVER EVER copy/paste code in URL if you are not ABSOLUTELY sure you know what that code does. Responsibility is all yours!!! So, be smart, be clever, and use the power wisely. Embrace it!

Interactive Map of the New World Feature

Thanks to the cooperation with Gobba, from now on, eRepublik Plus offers you what others were just promising - truly Interactive Map of The New World just a click away. Synergy effect can be clearly experienced. Enjoy!

Wellness calculator on your profile Feature

This is just a pretty simple wellness calculator that calculates your tomorrow's wellness based on your current wellness, your maximum house quality level and maximum food quality level present in your inventory.

It does NOT take into account eventual companies you are General Manager of since I could
not find anyone who owns a company or two under citizen account rather then Organization and was willing to submit some HTML for examination.

BUT with eRepublik Plus Wellness Calculator, you DO NOT have to type values of your current wellness, house and food; script does all this for you and shows result below the current wellness with some visual signals. If your wellness is going to drop tomorrow, it will be shown in red, if it will raise, it will be shown in green. If there will be no change, your new wellness is shown in blue.

And if you put your mouse pointer over new wellness it will show you the change, either positive or negative so you can easily figure out if you are capped by upper boundary of wellness 100. If you see (!) on the right of the new wellness, that means you will exceed 100 wellness limit.

IMPORTANT: Wellness calculator ONLY works when you are on your profile.

Monetary market has ‘Swap currencies’ link Feature

Again, in original eRepublik, you have to click, click, click to do simple task as swap currencies. You have to open Buy filter (click 1), choose currency (click 2), then you have to open Sell filter (click 3) and choose currency there (click 4) just to do swap currencies. A lot of clicks and a lot of stress to server. Now, with eRepublik Plus, just click "Swap currencies’ and you are done. It works on Show offers and Post new offer pages.

"Post new offer’ button is now also more natural. When you were examining some rates, for instance gold to X rate and when you clicked "Post new offer" you actually arrived to the page with a counter offer. It offered you to sell X and buy gold instead of vice versa. eRepublik Plus converts that behavior and makes it more natural. If you don’t share that opinion, just click "Swap currencies" and you can do counter offer. As simple as that.

Unit price of Raw Materials and Products Feature

I’m sure you know that 2 pieces of Q5 raw material are equivalent to 5 pieces of Q2 as well as 10 pieces of Q1. But, when on Marketplace, it shows just a price per piece, not the unit price. So, how to really tell what’s the cheapest resource out there? With eRepublik Plus, it’s easy. It calculates and shows you the unit price (or price per Q) of raw material so you have real and comparable prices of raw materials. No more endless clicking on that Calculator near eRepublik browser window.

Army page displays damage with various quality of weapon Feature

Soldiers, here is something for you! You train daily to improve your strength and use high quality weapons; you do a lot of damage and improve your ranks. But how to know how much damage you’ll do in your next fight? With eRepublik Plus, it’s easy. Just go to Army page and it will show you how much damage you’ll do in your next battle based on your current wellness, strength and rank. For all Qs of weapon, or without it. You don’t have weapons currently but figures shown there are really nice? No problem. Click on quality stars and you will be taken to the local Marketplace to buy weapons of chosen quality. And damage is shown with three decimals as well, just for you to sense how close to your harder punch you are.

Job market filtering Feature

Again, a lot of clicks needed if you want to just find right job for you. First you need to choose your skill, then your level. 4 clicks? I don’t think so. With eRepublik Plus if you click on your skill level on the right you get offers just for your skill and your skill level. Single click - much better. For users and for server. You want to check all job offers for your skill regardless of level? No problem, just click icon of your skill on the right and you’re done. All three skills are yours. Do you want to check salaries for other skills, not yours? Again, no problem. Click whatever icon on the right and you’ll get what you want. Don’t know about you but I got used to this single clicking. Makes my carpal tunnel feeling much better.

Newspaper pages have Translate link and All comments link

eRepublik Plus has support for 40 languages:
Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Croatian,
Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician,
German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,
Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese in both directions. You can translate from any of listed to any of listed languages.

eRepublik Plus utilizes Google AJAX Language API to achieve this magic.

eRepublik Plus added (All) link near the article Comments so you can now go straight to all comments on the article, not like it is without eRepublik Plus - first 20 and then the rest. No big deal, just one click less to do.

New Version 0.56

There are basically two new options there but I think you would like them:

Prices of raw materials and products on Marketplace expressed in Gold

From now on you will be able to easier compare prices of materials and products on various markets.

Salaries expressed in Gold

Yes, we all work hard and want to get some benefit from it. In this game, salary is the compensation for working but in some countries your work click is worth more and in some less. Now you can easier figure out how much gold you will receive for your work.

Other minor updates to eRepublik Plus include fixes of bugs like Translation that now works in Opera (thanks to amdx who helped with fixing that one a lot) and also there was one more issue with it and is now fixed. Other fix is for Newspaper type in Opera.


eRepublik Plus is donationware. You are welcome to donate to the author whatever amount of in-game gold you think author deserves in case you like and use eRepublik Plus. Or whatever you think this tool is worth to you. Please keep it reasonable. Too little donations as 0.01 gold will just spam my messages and too rich ones will be given back. Anything around 1 gold is fair enough IMHO, but I appreciate if you have different opinion. To check how many others are donating, feel free to check donations list of the author of eRepublik Plus.


Script is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT any warranties. Use on your own responsibility.
Complete source code is publicly available so feel free to check for yourself.

Vote and Subscribe, Spread the word

Having subscribed to this newspaper you will receive notices about bug fixes, updates and new features of eRepublik Plus in a moment when they are released. If you want to help eRepublik Plus, you can shout link to this article to your friends. Newspaper owners and Media Moguls are welcome to make Trackbacks to this article in their Newspaper.

Let's help make eRepublik a better place.
A place where you can click less and do more.

One more time - please help spread the word - VOTE and SUBSCRIBE.

Thanks to PeeKaBooh for the guide.