Prime Ministerial Debate (Day 2,046) NEW TIME

Day 2,045, 08:25 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

It has been decided between a majority of the Prime Ministerial candidates to hold a blogtalkradio debate on Day 2,046. It will happen at 8pm AEDT or 3 eRT. The debate at the moment will be done by Tim Holtz so if you have any questions for the candidates please submit them to him or on this article.

It will be Tim who will be in charge of formulating the foundations of the debate. All I am doing is telling the public of this happening. I hope he will expand on what I have said.

So remember, Day 2,046 at 3eRT.

Candidates who in attendance at the moment:

- Binda33
- Arthur the Elitist Cole
- Callumh123

See y'all tomorrow.
