Prime Minister Candidates

Day 864, 06:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Terribletiger

As the biggest elections come near I would like to have a look (with my readers) at the top 3 Prime Minster candidates and their supporters:

Pensive is from The Unity Party
Currently supported by The Socialist Party, The Victory Party and The Carling Party.

GLaDOS is from the United Kingdom Reform Party
Currently supported by the I Love Emma Watson Party, the Free Democratic Party, The Narwhal Party and Rule Britannia. 3 times runner up and once winner of past presidential elections. The most experienced candidate in my opinion.
His manifestos can be found here and here

John Bartlett
John Bartlett is from the Radical Freethinkers Alliance
Currently supported by the People's Communist Party, the People's Democratic Party and One Of Its Kind.

The Prime Minister Elections are on Monday 5th April.

Remember to">Vote GLaDOS

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