Primary elections in Federal Unity Party

Day 647, 11:06 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

Once again we come to these times then the media is busy, the politicians are running around and the butterflies’ starts to wake up again in the stomach. A month has passed and we are in the cheerful times of the presidency elections, and surprise surprise; I am one of the candidates in the primary elections in Federal Unity Party.

As I have worked, lived and grown older in Malaysia, now FRSEA, since February this year it is perhaps not a surprise that I would sooner or later candidate for such an important position as president of the Federal Republic of South East Asia! I will do this from the party which I once created, Federal Unity Party, and I will do it with some simple but trustworthy words and thoughts. These will also act as my standpoints and my reminders of the values and ideas which I am proud to stand by.

• A completion in the changeover between Malaysia and Federal Republic of South East Asia.
• A completion with the organization of Tentera Darat Malaysia.
• A campaign towards increased usage of the national forum and IRC-channels.
• A continued active participation within Sol.
• A continued wellness-program, with a construction of a hospital in Central Thailand, if funds and cheap hospitals could be found.
• An attractive, active and vibrant nation of different in real life-nationalities, with different ideologies and ideas about the country and they way it’s heading.
• The support of a transparent state, there everyone who is active and interested could get involved, gain information about the government and congress jobs and get the chance to be someone.
• Economics to the people who understand it – I will be honest and say that I don’t have any of those skills, therefore I will make sure that the people active in FRSEA’s economy have my complete trust and that they have the ability to do their job.
• A system which centralizes the decision about citizenship-passes to the congress, instead of each congressman. This as it will work against PTO-chances and against eventual bugs.

Last, I do not find a reason to write any further at this point. But if you elect during the primary election in Federal Unity Party, and the as country president, then I can promise that I will do anything in my power to reach these goals.

With the highest regards; the current minister of defense, congressman and loyal citizen, Gustavius.