Prices: The Cost of eLiving

Day 455, 19:48 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

Import Taxes

Herewith is a detailed list of the current eUSA Import Taxes (which are levied on items sold by foreign vendors doing business in the eUSA):

Foo😛 15%
Gifts: 15%
Weapons: 20%
Moving Tickets: 15%
Grain: 15%
Diamonds: 1%
Iron: 1%
Oil: 15%
Woo😛 15%
House: 5%
Hospital: 1%
Defense Systems: 1%

Examining Q1 Foo😛
Sells for: 1.75 USD
Grain: 0.65 USD
Sub-Total: 1.10 USD (left for profits and salaries)
Considering a 7% profit for company owner: (0.077 USD/item) that leaves 1.023 USD for salaries.

A Skill Level 3 employee working in a Q1 Food industry with a 90 wellness produces:

.5 x 2.0 x 3 (assuming company has 10 employees) x 2.8 (Wellness multiplier) x 1.5 (Trivia Multiplier) = 12.6 production.

That comes to 12.6 production x 1.023 USD = 12.89 USD base salary. Minus Income tax (10😵 leaves that Skill Level 3 employee with 11.6 USD (take home pay.)

So how much less does a foreign company have to pay to beat that? With a 15% Import Tax on Food they can pay an equivalent of 10 USD and match us dollar for dollar.

Your (leftist) Congress says that low import taxes helps the economy by keeping prices low. But what they are not considering is that low prices keeps salaries low. Drop the above mentioned 1.75 USD for food to 1.50 USD and the maximum salary that can be paid a Skill Level 3 employee comes to about 10 USD. There is enough internal competition in the eUSA to maintain an adequate competition.

Performing a random examination of Import taxes on Food you get:

Argentina: 60%
Croatia: 99%
Czech Republic: 90%
Philippines: 10%
Pakistan: 90%
Spain: 99%

I would venture a guess that this true throughout many industries. So what is the deal?

Congress (at the urging of President Uncle Sam) wants eUSA businesses to begin exporting. To where? First it costs 20 Gold to obtain a license. Next we then have to compete with 60% to 99% Import Taxes (unless we target markets like China, South Korea (with an embargo), or other 3rd world countries.

But that is not the end of it, my friends. No, sirree!

Congress (at the urging of President Uncle Sam, former Vice-President PrincessMedyPi, and non-entity One-Eye) is looking at a 25% Income Tax, a 10% to 20% VAT (sales tax) and a further lowering of Import Taxes. Wth!!???

J. Edgar Hoover once wrote a book called, "None Dare Call It Treason". That title has become ubiquitous in its usage by the likes of Pat Buchanan, et al. The general concept is that if it is profitable (to the government) and if it makes rich men richer then "none dare call it treason".

So is Congress treasonous? Are they ignoring the pleas of the "common man"? Headmistress Tilia has urged Congress to eliminate the Emergency Tax Program (since we can obviously afford to go to war) and return to the CTPA outline.

I, personally opposed the CTPA. But at the rates currently suggested by (some) Congressman I find it now quite liberal.

Now I will admit I supported an Income Tax increase to 20%, maybe 25%. Why? So YOU, the voter, could see immediately what is coming out of your paycheck. You are getting paid 20 USD and only get 16 then you want to know why, right? If you are getting paid 10 USD and only receive 8 USD it makes you wonder doesn't it? It would me.

But that VAT tax, that ubiquitous, silent (like cancer) killer of an economy; who notices? You think it is the companies that are sticking it to you. It is not. It is TAXES!

So what can you do?

1 - Read the Forums! Read the Congressional Record! See who vote to raise Taxes. (Note the leftist political parties.)
2 - Vote this coming Congressional elections for people who will fight against this outrage! (Vote no to the socialists that want us to pay for their consciences.)
3 - Vote this coming Presidential election for someone who will truly take the eUSA to the next level. (I've got my eye on scrabman even though he is a leftist. It is true I might change that opinion but he seems to understand that letting the people keep their money means more for the eUSA and more for the eUSA means more for "The Win".)

Pick it up, my friend! Pick it up!

NOTE: For those business owners that want a run-down on my tax deferral for employees, contact me. For more information on tax deferral for businesses, contact me. For a list of candidates who will oppose this extortion of the American people, contact me! I answer all messages within 24 hours!

Be well! And the best way to Be Well is to buy Q3 gifts from Be Well Gifts!!!