Prices out of control, salary for Skill 7 in manufacturing industry 10 - Rub.

Day 803, 06:26 Published in Russia Serbia by Mr. Obvious
Well done eGovernment!

I was telling to people from our eGovernment that this will happen, but no one listen. Now when this is happen, well who cares, our eGovernment certainly not. They got good salary's and they don't care about you and me, as long as there is money in their packet. But they are smart, and they know that with the smaller salaries, less money goes into the budget and less is spending. They are just to busy to react, because it will take five seconds of their time to rise the TAX. for import Food and Weapon which are destroying this market and Russian Companies and Workers.

We must demand of our Government to stop this madness and Rise TAX for import products for what there is no need on this market.

Import TAX. for food 70 %
Import TAX for weapon 50 %

In Serbia, Hungary E.T.C this TAX. is 99 %, why do you think is that?