Presidential Updates

Day 1,055, 10:21 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael this si your president for some quick updates.

The new citizen message has been accepted. With that out of the way I can begin to expand our domestic agenda. I would like to personally thank all KMs who voted in favor we faced some harsh opposition on that front mainly by people who oppose progress in our nation.

The next main issue of concern to my administration has been the activity crises within eIsrael. We have fewer people then usual and the people we have are not as active as they could be. This coupled with high levels of emigration to the new nations being added only worsens the situation.

Me together with members of my cabinet and others have been trying top persuade some of the leaving citizens to stay and help make eIsrael strong. Every active player despite political differences is a plus for us. Losing citizens only worsens our economy and our defensive situation.

As a result of these events me and my cabinet are instituting a few new policies in an effort to reverse the tide of this situation. We have begun a new immigration plan aimed at English speaking countries. We will post adds and articles to attempt to bring skilled active experienced players to eIsrael to rejuvenate our political,economic, and military spheres as well as give us a new image as being an immigrant friendly country.

We have instituted many new programs such as the Ambassador and internship programs in an attempt to get the people we have already here active. The new Citizen message and new forums will help ensure a stronger more stable community and keep people here.

The eIsraeli census helped us get a better understanding of the current activity situation in eIsrael. We are still receiving new responses which is good although the numbers of responses is below what we where hoping for.

If you havent filled it out yet please do so here:

The new eIsrael forums continue to grow by leaps and bounds each day with new members and new posts and new activity in general. if you havent signed up yet please do.

Again completely bilingual. Change language settings in your profile tab.

Lastly with the resignation of Phillip (Sayeretmatkal) we have lost another key member of our society and my government, He was a great MoD and eIDF general.

With his leave I have propose a new reformation of the eIDF to ensure in the future we ahve a more versatile eIDF leadership that can sustain resignations and departures of key leadership personnel. The proposal is available for everyone to see at the National forums. After more discussion and deliberation it will go into effect. We already have set up new bilingual application forms to ease the transition and have gathered a new group of officers and commander to lead the eIDF into the future.

The Last area of concern I would like to address is the status of the current knesset. For awhile now the Knesset has been dead. No activity no discussion no organization no leadership. Its a sad sad sight.

We are working our best to get KMs to sign onto the forum but so many either have left/resigned, inactive, or refuse to cooperate.

Next month I hope to see improvement. I hope a leader can be appointed to deal with the mess the knesset has become. We must seriously consider setting up a blacklist of inactive and unsupportive KMs to prevent them from being elected again. Only people who are responsible active and can be trusted should be allowed the honor to serve on our Knesset.

And lastly more MPPs are coming. Negotiations are almost final and money has been set aside.

Am Yisrael Chai



My response to some comments I receive😛

"Every time I hear people complaining about the new forums they fail to provide alternatives. They rather use no forum at all then work to improve things. The past governments made the mistake of moving to a new ineffective forum to begin with. That was MONTHS AGO. Since then nothing.

I got a new forum all set up and active and if people are going to complain about that then they clearly have something against improvement.

I didnt exile any english speaking citizens they left because of various reasons. Some Political some felt unwanted some simply wanted to move on. Stop looking at the problems and start looking at the solutions im trying to bring to the table. All these concerns your bringing up should have been brought up in the months leading up to the crises not at the time someones trying to do something to fix it.

This Apathy will destroy eIsrael. "