Presidential Update: Pakistan NE and More..

Day 2,664, 08:45 Published in India India by Rashtrapati Bhavan

My dear Indians and friends,

It’s with great honour that I’m writing to you as president for the first time. It’s surely the biggest achievement that any person can get in this new world. I’m really glad that you gave me this wonderful opportunity and it’ll be my pleasure working in benefit of the entire India.

To start I want to present you the government cabinet for this month ahead, and their main objectives and tasks. I have to warn you that a long time ago I got tired of the typical strict pyramidal hierarchy, so let’s make it flat. There’s no such thing as a ministry having much more importance than another, only that is above all others is the greatness of India.
In that order the whole cabinet will work as a big team, internally organised by the different ministries and aspects of the government.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: the aim is to make India’s international presence stronger, both through direct interaction with others countries personalities, and building a great team of ambassadors that will represent us all around the world.
As will be to keep and enhance the relationships with our friends and allies.
And there’s Banana Alliance, where we’d like to get more involved and get fun too.
Team: Peter1203, Srinjoy Sarkar, Christo123456

Ministry of Defence: As the name indicates the objective is to defend us from, with the recent updates to the game, both external and internal attacks, since our enemies can now not only attack us from outside but from inside our country too.
They’ll be in charge, too, of coordinating every of our war campaigns, and setting India’s battle priorities.
Team: MohanB, Calvinhobbes, Bharmal

Ministry of Internal Affairs: main task will be keep the commune working, and ensure there are supplies to every indian that would need it. As well any others help programs from the government.
Team: Destiny India

Ministry of Finances: it’s simple, has the “easy” task of keep track and record of all our money, there can’t be any movement without his knowledge. And yet, make our treasury bigger.
Governor: Vijayakrishna

Pakistan’s NE

As you all surely have seen, yesterday as soon as we got border a congressman from Pakistan proposed us as natural enemy. The law is already approved so we can expect their attack at any moment. Hopefully, we’ll be prepared and ready to receive and fight them.
In response to their NE our dictator, windfall, did the same to them, as soon as he could.
Update: Today, Pakistan attacked us sooner than normal, in order to let us without Natural Enemy Damage bonus, but we can be stronger than them any way!
The Battle is on, so let’s fight!!

Best Regards,

President of eIndia