Presidential Update - Day 997

Day 997, 11:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

Much to talk about, however I will put most of that in tomorrows update!

This update is all about, the UK.

You see, over the last few days Canada have been invading the UK, taking several regions, including Northern Ireland, purely because the Canadian President got a little bored, sadly the president isnt called CanadianBhoy...

Now, for some odd, really unknown, and crazy reason, the UK decided to hit Ireland, and country that was insted looking at getting the maximum fights for GOLD spent, rather than attacking the UK, and having a very boring game of Euros TZ vs US TZ.

So, once again the UK are using Dublin for there stag do's for this weekend, clearly unaware that they pressed the wrong button. Tho it would also appear that they are using the Southeast for some Hen nights... Obviously mistaking Southeast Ireland, for Southeast UK.

So, what now? Well we will do the same as we did last weekend! Plan to retake Dublin, which now annoyingly has a Q5 hospital and a Q1 defence system right next to the capital... Doh!

Have no fear, Ireland will be restored, again, and I shall personally ensure that the President of the UK is sent a Map, to ensure that he is aware of which buttons to press.

Thanks for all the allies who have fought in battles, and thank you Bugrepublik, for breaking every 10mins, without your breakingness I could of lost alot more health and GOLD than I already have...


Edit: Those in Dublin or Southeast, Please move back to non UK claimed areas! Also DO NOT start your own resistance wars!