Presidential Update - Day 994

Day 994, 09:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

This is going to be a pretty big update, so ensure you have been to the toilet, and have a drink handy!

eRepublik Hacks

Recently there have been alot of hacks and exploits, this is something thats not uncommon, the same thing happened when v1 was launched, except there was alot less of us then!

It is important that you keep your assets safe, have different passwords for all your ORGs, do not click any links which your not 100% sure are safe, even links by friends could be bad. If someone wants you to read an article, search for there name, and look up there paper manually! Avoid clicking adverts, and any images, altho some images are disabled, they can and will be exploited.

Everyone should have a virus scanner installed, thos who don't or who can't pay for a virus scanner, google, AVG Free Antivirus, AVG isnt bad, and tends to cover most problems! Other useful tools are Ad-aware, and Spybot - Search and destroy.

Most importantly, if you beleive your account has been compromised, or you may of been hacked, do not login, ensure you have AVG and the other programs installed and run a scan! and remember, help is always avalible in our IRC channel!


Very very busy times in the IDF, I don't want to spoil to much of the changes, mostly because I know there is an article coming soon. But it will make the IDF alot easier to work with, aswell as making communication a million times easier.

The IDF however needs your help! In order to offset some of the costs of upgrades, and the changes being made, the IDF are looking for your old change, anything you have will help, be it 30 USD, or 0.2 ZAR, donate it! and help the IDF improve!

Donations can be made to "Irish Department of Defence", please ensure it goes to the ORG, and not to the dead citizen with a simular name!

Lastly, the IDF still needs workers! especially in Helicopters, this comp ended up in Dublin, where the Brits sadly killed all the workers 😞.


Dublin now has a Q5 hospital, we plan to add a few Defence systems around the place shortly, to boost up the defence a little of Dublin.

Again thank you to all those who stayed up late to ensure we got Dublin back, and to all our allies who travelled near and far to help us!


Our finance Minsters have been hard at work, as you can currently see, we have proposals for alot of Tax changes, these taxes should improve the money coming into the country, aswell as protect Irish business from other countries dumping!

We have also been around alot of unused ORGs, and cleared alot of the odd amounts of GOLD, this has given the Banc a nice boost in GOLD. If you know of any more ORGs which have GOLD or currency on, which aren't being used, please let me know!

Baby Boom

Just to remind people, if you invite someone to the game, and they survive a week, to let the New Citizen minister know, so that we can award both you, and your friend a house!

Remember each person you invite that gets to level 10, gets you a Treasure map, invite 10, and you get an extra treasure map and an award! thats 11 treasure maps in total! Added to this all your friends get houses!

Help Ireland grow! recruit your friends, recruit your family, recruit random people off the street!

Foreign Affairs

I have to put this bit in, otherwise I beleive that Karl and Dylan will eat me! Our Foreign Affairs guys are busy chatting to all the countrys of the eWorld, but do need abassadors! contact them if your intrested!

Minister of Technology

Dubh has very kindly accepted the offer to be the MoT, he will be working on making an official eIreland web page! and helping out on several API projects!


Our ministers of community are looking for more great ideas to bring fun to Ireland, send your ideas to einberliner and seanlynch!

OK, thats it for this update, alot of stuff going on, and some crazy amount of activeness in Ireland! Just to remind people, get on IRC! channel #Ireland where theres always something fun going on, get to know your fellow eIrish!
