Presidential Update - Day 964

Day 964, 15:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSouth African Presidency

Hello South Africa

As you may have noticed, things have got a little heated lately. No, not with the war module that has yet to come back online, but with the general feeling of a couple of subjects. I will not name these particular subjects, as I'm sure everyone is aware of what I'm talking about, but I feel as though I need to address these subjects.

As you can see, these events have left their mark, to say otherwise is foolish. The forums are in dispute, the IRC is still somewhat aggressive in nature, and everyone is looking to bite off another's head. There's a word for what we're seeing, and it's called poison. After the initial event, or bite in this case, it's over, yet the aftermath is still visible and active. When affected with poison, you have to take the antidote, or you'll probably end up dying.

In this instance, taking the antidote means to stop bickering and arguing over menial things, and instead work together to overcome the shadows that're inevitably going to loom over our great nation. By arguind and dividing ourselves, we are in fact repeating history. Do you remember Feburary? Do you remember when we all acted this same way over Ben Zavelsky? If we keep up, this will be a repeat of March, and no self-respecting South African citizen wants that. However, we have something than we didn't have in Feburary. We have prior experience, and we have choice.

We know this path leads down a road we don't want to go down. We know this path leaves us blind to the dangers that follow, and yet we didn't do anything about it in Feburary, instead we bickered and underestimated everything, until we were left without a country. We know looking at Australia that we can't rely on following the rules, and expecting the rule-breakers to get caught. However, we have a choice. We can either choose to follow this destructive path, constantly trolling those to blame and fueling their fires, or we can show the entire eWorld that eSouth Africa stands united against all opposers, be them Brazil, channers, or simple trolls.

I finally have a Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As you may or may not know, Seisan was the previous Deputy minister of Foreign Affairs. Running the show this time around, I'm sure Seisan will be a great MoFA. Following behind is the Deputy Minister, nick jones, who is willing and eager to learn more about the MoFA. I can assure you the MoFA is in good hands this term.

Earlier, I also managed to make my Ministry of Information active, with Zagarius and bobady zoo heading it as Minister and Deputy Minister, respectively. You've already seen their work, and you can be assured they will do great.

As of now, there's not much that needs to be said. We all need to be unified, for the greater good of South Africa, and we all have our poison to suck out. If we're going to let this poison work it's magic, we might as well give the country away, as there's no other path to take from there. Remain united.

Stryke Blayde
South African President