Presidential Transition Team

Day 894, 12:48 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

Greetings once again, my fellow Americans.

Today, I am proud to announce that I am forming a Presidential Transition Team. Before anyone jumps out of their seat, yes, I am aware this is not normal. It should be. As a former President, I have some unique experience that allows me to know that three to four days of a Presidential term are usually wasted picking a cabinet and obliging Presidential supporters with some sort of kickback position. That is anywhere from ten to fifteen percent of a term wasted on doing nothing. In a time when the demands of the Presidency are as great as ever, I would rather spend the time I have right now on forming a cabinet so that, on day one, if elected I am ready to step in to the position and fulfill the duties of the Office and have a stable team of advisers around me who I trust and know.

What this transition team will do:

*Vet potential candidates for office
*Advise me on new talent to fill vital positions
*Help me to form a full cabinet included with backups in case people decline

What this transition team won't do:

*Contact anyone to offer any position under any circumstances
*Offer, infer, or even hint at giving a position to any person for any sort of political benefit
*Release, leak, or otherwise tell the public if a person has been selected for a certain position
*Use their undue influence to get their friends positions in the government; I won't allow it

I am sure that some will be up in arms over what seems like a major breach of traditional protocol here. What they don't recognize is that in almost every term, these positions are filled beforehand anyway. They are given to people in return for endorsements, primary votes, or any wide range of patronage. The process I outline here will allow me to take this unfortunate electoral habit and convert it into something productive for the betterment of our country. The change I want to make is that instead of making these positions filled in back room deals in return for political advantages, I want to remain true to my main platform point and allow anyone to apply for any wide range of jobs. Every applicant will be screened and every applicant will be given serious consideration. I can't sit here and say every applicant will get a job. I wish it were true. Some, though not all, will be requested for an interview -- those are the people which we see serious potential in to help us run the country, should we be so lucky to win.

I would rather spend what time I have right now preparing a team to be ready to take over at a moment's notice if, on the 5th, the American people decide to vote me in to office. I want to buck the trend of offering jobs in private to political power brokers to get their support. It may hurt me with some, but I think America will respect this approach. I trust America.

I have asked Mr. Hyphenated, a respected citizen on all sides of the aisle, to oversee this transition team as Executive Director. He will advise me on the placement and structure of the cabinet that will be ready on day one to govern instead of waste time. Both of my two favorite administrations (not mine, but I'll keep them to myself) hit the ground running by establishing transition teams. I am doing the same in hopes that, should I be elected, my name might one day be mentioned in the same breath with these administrations.

Here are a few links to help people out: My platform Application form

Tonight at 17:00 erep, the LPSC will be hosting their debate on IRC. Join #uslibs2 and I'm sure they can direct you to the proper place. Usually it's public. I assume Gaius will be there and I will be there as well as Choc I hope.