Presidential Ranting

Day 1,058, 12:33 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael this is your president with a few quick announcements.

1- MPPs

We have finalized the greek MPP deal and it is in the voting process as we speak. We are considering a third MPP if the budget allows. If so we will be making an announcement shortly regarding that.

2- eIDF

I have compiled a list of potential candidates for different positions within the new eIDF Framework. We have got some capable talented people who I expect to do a great job. Most regular eIDF members wont notice a big difference besides the guy they get their regular message from regarding Roll Call Etc. We expect these new reforms to be in full effect shortly.

3- Knesset and Minimum Wage Dilemma

I was infuriated over the recent behavior and actions of our Knesset. They voted for a major change in the Minimum wage of eIsrael without a SINGLE Word of Discussion.

Let me rephrase that. Our Knesset DOUBLED the Minimum wage without any DISCUSSION. Zip Nada niente nunca. NOTHING. Not one word was exchanged before they decided to vote in mass favor of the minimum wage change.

Many of those KMs who voted in favor of this Minimum wage law also made uo the majority of the opposition to my New Citizen message proposal.

I find this ridiculous to say the least. Now our economy will suffer. Companies will close because they cant pay these new wages (Some barely could make ends meet before) Jobs will be lost and costs will sky rocket thanks to the incompetence that is our Knesset.

What pissed me off even more is the person who proposed these changes then messaged me today asking for money to help his food company and then refused to sign onto the national forums when I told him he needs to discuss things there before hand. What balls.

On that note there seems to still be a big campaign going on to delegitmize these new forums. its mainly coming from 3 grumpy players who dont want to see eIsrael advance in any way. They are most likely the same people who voted in favor of the recent minimum wage law without discussion.

These forums are the permanent forums and arent going anywhere. They are already larger more active then those old forums ever where and in half the time. We actually have international embassies and discussion on relevant issues going on there. They are actually organized in some coherent fashion. If anyone expects that we are going to stop using these forums and move back to the old forums that got us no where then they are out of there minds.

With that Im done with my quick rant of the day. I want to wish everyone in eIsrael the best of luck with their eLives except for every Knesset member who voted in favor of the minimum wage law. I hope you all have a moderately bad day tomorrow and may god have mercy on your soul.

For the good KMs who voted against it I advise you to sign up on the national forums if you havent already:

To change language to hebrew go to profile preferences.

Once there hopefully you guys will get active organize and appoint a Speaker of the Knesset to prevent this crap from happening again.

Am Yisrael Chai