Presidential Manifesto

Day 1,383, 02:25 Published in Philippines Ireland by mirek12345

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Republic of Philippines,

I'm hereby anouncing my run for President of the Republic,once more.

But last month I've learned something new. It doesn't matter if you make a detailed manifesto or not. All it matters are your activity,interaction with people of your country ,putting your country's interest on first place and that you're a true leader. And as one wise man once said :

"As a voter for presidential elections in many months, what I seek in a President are:
-consistent interaction with the people of the ePhilippines, meaning he or she should be here in times of good or bad situations.
-surround himself/herself with people that are knowledgeable about the inner and outer workings of the government and eRepublik
-someone who's not a stranger to the people of ePhilippines. I don't want someone who just popped out of nowhere like a mushroom.
-someone who'd been here for a long time and who knows what the past and the present situation of the ePhilippines. Learning from the mistakes of the past and presenting better solutions for the future of ePhilippines.
-someone who doesn't put a damn if he steps on someone's foot just to do the right things.
-someone who believes in every citizens of ePhilippines; native or naturalized citizens.
-someone who is not ignorant.
-someone who takes the road that is less traveled. He must be a leader not a follower.

Thus,I won't make a detailed manifesto this month,nor list my acomplishments in erepublik so far or anything like that and just rely on the judgement of the citizens of the eRepublic of Philippines . Because,on the end,whoever wins these elections will be a great President,and our country will be in good hands 🙂

"Talk is cheap." I never promised anything in my term.
Set in a different path like I did.

Take the road that is less traveled for you will discover new things. - Sansae2

Here's my Government list :

Vice-President - Sigurd Aasen

Minister of Defence - kdblitz

Minister of Merriment - Marie von Gablitz

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Sigurd Aasen

NICA Director - EZEX Lacroa

Minister of Domestic Affairs - Revilo X

Minister of Education - Marie von Gablitz

Minister of Finance : Negosyo

And,as I saw these are quite popular with the public,might aswell use one 😛

Also,as Marie mentioned in her manifesto,these elections are now known as MnM elections

Thanks for reading,and good luck to my fellow candidates o7