Presidential Manifesto

Day 1,018, 08:51 Published in Belgium Belgium by Theneka
Updates in italic


Before you can chose your President, you should at least know the people to pick from, and I'm going to make it a bit easier for you guys by properly introducing myself.

I'm Theneka, I'm from Kortrijk, Belgium. I'm 18 and I'll be studying in Antwerps starting from the end of September. I've been playing this game sinds July 22 2009. I started my eLife in the Netherlands, because Belgium didn't exist, as it was part of the United Netherlands. This ment that the first year of my elife consisted of participating in the dutch politics. I joinded the Libertarian Socialist Democrats and ran for congress for the first time in August. I didn't get elected then, but starting from then, I havn't realy been out of congress (apart from those few times that I forgot to run😁). During my time in the dutch congress I was Ambassador to Austria, and then to the UK, Minister of Home Affairs (Minister of Interior) and Minister of Raws (responsable for the recource donations and money for the State Companies)

In November 2009 Cocoamok, the Party President of the LSD was banned because she logged onto accounts of other players that were on hollidays. From November till January I was PP of the LSD, and in that time the party had some problems because of the recreation of Belgium, which led to the los of the Belgian Party, our biggest friends and supporters in congress. This ment that we had to be in the opposition all the time, and we had to deal with a very negatif image due to some flaming articles from both sideds. But after a while all got better, and new players joined the LSD and I could step down from the presidency.

Not to much later, in may I think, I was requested to become Minister of Finances in Belgium, and I moved out of the Netherlands and settled in Brussels. Here I founded the Belgian Communist Party, and now we already have 5 congressmen. I know some people see us as a tread, but we have done nothing wrong, and don't intend to do anything wrong 🙂 The only thing we did was succesfully alter the food prices (from 1.80 BEF to 0.40 BEF). That's our biggest acomplishment, and the thing we take most pride in.

Why running for CP?

I'll give you some reasons why I decided to run for CP. The first should be something that some people might recognise, but it's something that I have never done before, but that has been on my to do list for some time now 🙂 So now I have the chance, and I think I'd do just fine.
The second reason is that I believe I could do something good as CP. I don't have any negative comments on our current president, I think he's doing a great job, but I would love to try it too. And I think I have enough experience in different aspects that might be good for a CP, so I just know I'm ready to go for it.

What do I have to offer?

This could be the most clear part. Some of this is political, some of it would just be considered page filling, so pleas forgive me if I talk around the question a bit.
I can offer you an active president, both on IRC as on the forum. I'm a real belgium, which would be a change for some, though it doesn't matter where you come from in this game. Loyalty here is something that you can chose to give to any country, and to any player. But let us say that it's more obvious for me to run for CP in Belgium that it would to do it somewhere else, and I believe that eBelgium would benefit from me being president.
I can offer you a diverse knowledge of the game, and experience on manny different topics. I can also give you 3 languages to contact me in (Dutch, French and English) 😃

What do I want to do as CP?

I can honestly say that V2 has proven to be rather boring. I think that's a feeling we all share, and I know a lot of people have quit playing because of that. We can continue like we do now, and blame the admins for evrything, and say they ruined the economy (that's a simple fact, not just an oppinion) but we can't do much about it. We have tried to ensure our recources by spending gold on foreighn companies that can trade with our home market so we have the recources we need. We have altered the food prices so people can afford buying food now, and what do we have to do now? I can only say that I don't intend to focus much on economy, though it is important. I would like to focus on how to revive our community, how to make fun, how to reactivate our congressmen, and how to bring life back to our forum.

For this I see some ways, advertisement in name of the Governement being one aspect of it. The gov needs to be in the media more, and we have to look towards our alliance (ONE) to see possibilities for the future. Congress at this moment, is filled with the same people that have been active in it sinds the beginning of eBelgium, and the others are just pocket fillers that want the gold. It's not something we can undo, unless we get a massive baby boom. Now that's a magical word, but it doesn't work so easy as it seems. So I would like to focus on more realistic ideas and means to stimulate our economy and reactivate our population.

I would also like to continue the lines of Foreighn Affairs that have been drawn by the congress and presidents before me, as International Relations are a very important aspect in this game. I can not stress the importance of ONE and our cooperation with our neighbours enough. We are a neutral country, and I don't have the intention of changing that without decent referendum, so it's important that we stand our ground and show that we don't want to be dragged along into something, as we have seen with the Declaration of War by the (drunk) Dutch President.
That is why I would like eBelgium to take up it's responsabilities and work on ONE and it's functioning so that it can become a strong and well running alliance, that won't collaps in a few months.

If you have read this, you'll guess that Fun and Reactivation will be the key words in my campain, and that's what it is going to be.

Now without further hesitations, I would like to offer evryone the chance to mail me with questions you might have, feel free to comment them, or to give me support, or just attack me 🙂 I'll try and answer evrything as good as I can, and I hope that you decide to support me for President.
I would also want to suggest a IRC debate with a moderator between the candidates for Presidency, so that the eBelgian Citizen has an idea of their ideas and visions. This would however mean that we have to find ourselfs a moderator 🙂

I would like to call on all players to INVITE their friends, famely and relatives to this game, we need more players if we want to keep this game alive and fun!! Haras them if needed😁 Tell them I told u to do it 😛

Vote Theneka for President on the 5th of September!
I would like to thank the Belgian Communist Party and Belgium for the Belgians pary for supporting my candidacy!! Thank you very much!