Presidential Manifesto

Day 1,352, 16:25 Published in Philippines Ireland by mirek12345

Dear citizens of ePhilippines,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

With this article,I'll introduce you with my CP campaign

Firstly,I'd like to say thank you to Berritas for giving me this opportunity to run for President of our great country,and thanks to NPM for supporting my run.

And secondly,I'd like to introduce you with my plans and ideas for better ePH

-Foreign Affairs-

1. To begin with,the citizens don't get enough information about LUNA,and we don't co-operate enough with our allies and friends in alliance. I'll change that,and updates will be done for LUNA on every important news and issues. Also,my MoFAs and I will be in contact with other CPs and MoFAs of LUNA countries,and we will try to improve relations beetwen our countries and the sense of fellowship beetwen us.

2. Keeping good relantionships with all our neighbours . We'll still be expressing our point of view on certain things related to us,and more importantly,we'll keep our sovereignty Also,we'll probably be seeking for new MPPs,probably 2 new ones,preferably from both ONE and EDEN/Terra nations. This will make us a little bit safer and give our soldiers constant war so they could grow stronger.

3. If LUNA stops existing,we're keeping neutrality.

4. Ambassadors – Continuing with ammbasadors from last month (firing inactive ones and hiring new) . MoFA will assign their Director,who'll be responsible for them and all their decisions (he assignes them,takes care of them etc.)

-Military –

1. As we're technically still a part of LUNA,we'll go on missions,to help our friends,where're needed

2. The inactive members will be kicked out of the army,only the active will be in. Damage reports will be required every day,as they were throughout the last few months. We should reconsider how much supplies every soldier gets,and also,we should make a list with all donations.Also,MoM could make a poll for best soldier of the month. Also,since some weapons were stolen last month,we're going to establish a list of all donation to the army and soldiers.

3. Taking under consideration with the MoF giving gold boosts to our AFP soldiers,for training,if we have enough gold to do that,probably 50% boost,aka 0.19 gold/soldier

4. One new position in the military will be established. The Chief of Staff(CoS). The CoS will basically help in supplying when the MoD won't be online,and help the MoD in publishing orders,managing companies if needed and helping the soldiers.

5. Getting new recruits for our national army,AFP,and making a recruiting campaign.


Elari did a solid job in this ministry this month,but he won't be continuing,as he's leaving ePH. New Minister of Education will be Marie 😃 Marie's very active and experienced citizen,and I believe she will do a good job this month .

Now,onto plans for MoE

1.Make Education articles as much as needed(and keep our eBabies that way ) ,and make articles for every ingame update,to inform all of our citizens 🙂

2. Assigning mentors for new players – helping them get through their first days successfully, answering their questions and helping them to become a valuable adition to our great nation

3.Creating an apprentice position for each ministry – the main purpose of this position will be to have more prepared and capable people for the government in the future. The main task of the apprentice will be to help the Minister in their work and gradually learn about the job


I'm not so good in the economical part of the game,so I'll leave most of the work to the Minister of Finance

1. Keeping the stability of our currency

2. Opening/dissolving some national companies in order to meet the needs of our nation

3.Not changing the weps,food and RM taxes,unless it's extremely important to do it.

And now finally,onto my cabinet

Vice-President : Berritas

Minister of Finance : Negosyo

Minister of Education : Marie von Gablitz

Minister of Defense : Berritas
Chief of Staff : kdblitz
Military advisor : Elari Reili

Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Sigurd Aasen & Ariel David Buena

Ministry of Merriment : Marie von Gablitz

NICA Director : EZEX Lacroa

Minister of Domestic Affairs : Revilo X

Thank you for reading o7
