Presidential goals near us

Day 1,111, 12:08 Published in Turkey Slovenia by dupi
Just for fun I checked the soon-to-be president's goals in our area.

Turkey: 2 Greek regions
Macedonia: 5 Greek regions
Serbia: all Croatian regions
Hungary: 2 Romanian regions
Montenegro: keep current regions
Iran: keep current region

Greece: all Macedonian regions
Bulgaria: one Iranian and all Macedonian regions
Romania: one Hungarian regions
Croatia: keep current regions
Bosnia: keep current regions*
Israel: keep current regions
Moldova: two Romanian regions**

*: maybe there will be a Serbian president, there are only few votes between the two candidates.
**: own regions

Current voting activities (d1111 12:00):

Turkey: 3066
Macedonia: 1730
Serbia: 3431
Hungary: 2587
Montenegro: 241
Iran: 381
Greece: 1486
Bulgaria: 1797
Romania: 1913
Croatia: 1605
Bosnia: 922
Israel: 143
Moldova: 185