Presidential elections: Final Results

Day 382, 01:27 Published in Canada Canada by hawkerhunter07

Presidential Elections have ended an hour ago. Here are the final results: / Les Elections Presidentielles ont pris fin il y a une heure. Voici les resultats finaux:

- Tom Hagen (CPP/CPF): 124 votes (50.61😵

- Zanalan (CSD): 84 votes (35.10😵
- Uraczak (CHAOS): 15 votes (6.12😵
- Kerozine (BPQ): 13 votes (5.31😵
- Angus Rourke (CLP): 7 votes (2.86😵

In total, 245 citizens voted, representing 30.97% of the population. This is a record in the percentage of participation. / Au total, 245 citoyens ont vote, representant 30.97% de la population. Ceci est un record dans le pourcentage de participation.

Congratulations to Tom Hagen, the new Prime Minister of eCanada! / Felicitation a Tom Hagen, le nouveau Premier Ministre d'eCanada!

Thank you for being with us during this day. See you on the 15th of December for the party elections! / Merci de nous avoir suivis durant cette journee. On se revoit le 15 decembre pour les elections des presidents des partis!

Current Congressman
Current Speaker of Congress