Presidential Election

Day 317, 11:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hÉireann,

I think that you will all agree that we have just witnessed a fantastic election. Three different candidates led at three different times, how different from our other recent elections where one candidate dominated over all others.

While I cannot honestly say that I am not disappointed, I wish to congratulate 5n4keyes on winning the presidency. I wish him all the best in his new position.

I also wish to announce that the Irish Union Party, being the second biggest party in congress, will be now taking a very active role in congressional matters and I for one cannot wait for my first term as congressman.

Anyway, a million thanks to everyone who voted for me. If I am still in a position to do so, I hope to challenge for the presidency again next month.

In many ways the presidential election was a great success for the Irish Union Party. We almost doubled our congressional tally and seriously challenged in the presidential race. In all my time in eRepublik, the IUP has never had such a successful General Election.

Again, thanks for the great support,

Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir.
Igor Thunderbrow,
President of The Irish Union Party