Presidential Debate: The Logs

Day 893, 13:04 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

A great show for everyone who was there, this session was a great joy to watch as the candidates battled it out for glory and approval. The actual debate was over 2 hours long, so I cannot bring you the full 23 pages of logs (I tried, erep wouldn't load XD ) so below we'll have a brief snippet and then a link should you want to read on, and then my summary and analysis of what happened. So:

[01 May 17:23] Maddog: I have a message from quite a few members of the public
[01 May 17:23] jamesw: so its 1:40 wastage
[01 May 17:24] Maddog: they say - Stop agreeing with each other, or we're voting Jockson
[01 May 17:24] Maddog: make of that what you will
[01 May 17:24] jamesw: 😎
[01 May 17:24] Craig_Rossiter: Its not worth a DoW
[01 May 17:24] elbanaan: Give better questions then
[01 May 17:24] jamesw: i dont see much agreement
[01 May 17:24] elbanaan: 😛
[01 May 17:24] jamesw: Craig_Rossiter:
[01 May 17:24] jamesw: how is norway a DoW?
[01 May 17:24] elbanaan: It's an open war, admins never rolled it back
[01 May 17:24] elbanaan: for some reason
[01 May 17:24] Craig_Rossiter: Norways page says no open wars 😒
[01 May 17:24] Craig_Rossiter: Was running on that
[01 May 17:24] Maddog: Craigs lack of military knowledge shining through a bit
[01 May 17:24] Craig_Rossiter:
[01 May 17:25] Craig_Rossiter: Maddog
[01 May 17:25] Craig_Rossiter: I was under the assumption there was an open war
[01 May 17:25] jamesw:
[01 May 17:25] Craig_Rossiter: Until I saw that page
[01 May 17:25] Maddog: you aren't meant to be debating with me craig.
[01 May 17:25] jamesw: i hope you were trolling
[01 May 17:25] Maddog: Craig_Rossiter - Polio has a message for you - 'l2warmodule'
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: anyway
[01 May 17:26] * jamesw twiddles thumbs
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: we have a war, we can use it
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: l2host Maddog
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: this question died ages ago :3
[01 May 17:26] elbanaan: jamesw
[01 May 17:26] Maddog: ok, next we have a question from a member of the public
[01 May 17:26] elbanaan: even if we do win one battle
[01 May 17:26] elbanaan: we will lose the region the next day
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: like i said earlier
[01 May 17:26] elbanaan: and that's a big if
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: you shouldn't be so linear
[01 May 17:26] Craig_Rossiter: FML
[01 May 17:26] jamesw: battles aren't just about winning
[01 May 17:27] jamesw: we can help our allies
[01 May 17:27] jamesw: or we can alienate enemies and their allies
[01 May 17:27] jamesw: a battle presents lots of opportunities, not just conquest
[01 May 17:27] Maddog: ok, next question
[01 May 17:27] Maddog: from iain keers
[01 May 17:27] Maddog: 'i want to know what the candidates think about our relations with the USA and Max McFarland II'
[01 May 17:27] jamesw: ive spoken to MMF actually
[01 May 17:28] elbanaan: answer in any order or all at once?
[01 May 17:28] Maddog: Craig_Rossiter: you go first please
[01 May 17:28] jamesw: oh 😁^
[01 May 17:28] Craig_Rossiter: Ok
[01 May 17:28] Craig_Rossiter: I love our relationship
[01 May 17:28] Craig_Rossiter: A competitive rivlry
[01 May 17:28] Craig_Rossiter: Good for the game
[01 May 17:28] Maddog: What about Max?
[01 May 17:28] Craig_Rossiter: If elected there will be an element of respect towards both country and president
[01 May 17:28] Maddog: and the situation he is in? In the eUSA at the moment
[01 May 17:29] Craig_Rossiter: I must confess though I am unsure if he is one of the serious UK haters
[01 May 17:29] Maddog: I think the question was asking about the huge accusations of the backroom dealings
[01 May 17:30] Maddog: could you elaborate a little more on that?
[01 May 17:30] Craig_Rossiter: Yes
[01 May 17:30] Craig_Rossiter: A bro/eden split is good
[01 May 17:31] Craig_Rossiter: Ergo max is good
[01 May 17:31] Craig_Rossiter: Since he is a bro guy
[01 May 17:31] Craig_Rossiter: Gaius is eden guy
[01 May 17:31] Maddog: ok
[01 May 17:31] Maddog: not the best of answers
[01 May 17:31] Maddog: onto jamesw now please
[01 May 17:31] jamesw: ok, in terms of mcfarland - we should all weep he wont be CP this month
[01 May 17:31] Craig_Rossiter: Impartiality much
[01 May 17:32] jamesw: i've spoke to him quite a bit before all of this shitstorm happened, and he was an incredibly decent guy
[01 May 17:32] Maddog: i'd say it if jamesw or elbanaan made a rubbish answer too
[01 May 17:32] jamesw: in terms of relations with him
[01 May 17:32] jamesw: personally, i'd say they are ok
[01 May 17:32] Craig_Rossiter: brb has to dispense of a sister trashing my room
[01 May 17:32] jamesw: in terms of the UK and USA, the war seems to as mcfarland said "let off the steam"
[01 May 17:33] Maddog: elbanaan, your opinions please
[01 May 17:33] jamesw: whilst the USA aren't technically in EDEN, i still think it is silly to say they are separate

For more policies, debates and tearing at each others throats see the whole debate HERE
Full credit to Aelar for providing us with the logs 🙂

I believe that from the start, all the candidates did well. Jamesw was always quick to answer, on topic and provided a good set of opinions and ideas, showed that he was willing to take the lead and the initiative, which could be decisive if he is elected leader.

Craig stumbled a bit at the start in an exposure which showed his lack of current affairs and a mix up with the war module page made him look momentarily clumsy. However, he put up a strong performance and held out well against the other candidates, even if he did disappear towards the end of the debate without explanation.

Elbanaan played the Nick Clegg card and put himself forward as an alternative, staying out of the fighting and putting forward solid ideas. His knowledge of economics certainly helped him out as he pitched his opinions across. He seemed to be the big winner, although support for jamesw is still sky high and the PCP are unsure whether he is running, depending on support they gain from other parties.

Despite the impartiality and clumsiness of the host, the debate was a qualified success as it properly allowed the candidates to debate with each other in a great manner and I look forward to further debates.

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