Presidential Communication - Podolia, war, TO!

Day 613, 07:03 Published in Ukraine Ireland by Armanych

Unfortunately, Romania has been able to re-capture Podolia Ukraine. The main and primary reason is that the President of Ukraine stopped blocking Romania, because he's living in dreamland and he thought that taking potential fight/damage from Romania is only important for us.
There were serious arguments preceding the earlier blockings, before he was willing to start them at all, and one day he just stopped it. Well here's the result, Romania immediately used the situation to her advantage...

We don't want to just try to protect in addition to strength, here yesterday during the series of blows directed to Indonesia and Ukrainian part of the morning *tankolással* money is finished. This is ultimately not used as it was meaningless.

Romania, hundreds of thousands of damage to tank and the attack is launched by the then still had gas in them. Which means that plenty of gold in 1000, the battle has already been spent, but likely to be above 2000 gold. The question, again, how far any of this will be financially.

So now Podolin Hungary attacked again, but this is primarily focusing on damage, we'll see what will be enough.

This includes also the Croatian attack, where they also decided that we will not deploy any extra power, the tactic is not a secret: the *kifárasztani* opponents. In the very outset of the campaign to use it. Croats also spent a lot of gold is (it is estimated that in 2000 gold was also up) to *feltankolják* wall. Of course, we are not on the Croatian front, the goal the same as before, but I can not write more about tactical reasons.

I hope everyone is clear that they will not get done this a long time, we have no other task than to strike them and blow steadily in the *kórházast* you please! 🙂

To do this, an interesting piece of news related to the 2000 U.S. gold recently requested a loan from Spain. This is fixed in the contract read in the appropriate topic.


I ask everyone to come to the chat (or # togov the room and ask for the voting target. More ally is under attack, and other strategically important task will be, too. This is part of the War! It is also necessary for you!

Kampec, President eMagyarorszég

Hungarians, help me to edit this article, please!

Президент еУгорщини вважає, що перша і основна причина втрати Поділля - це неспроможність(або небажання) нашего Президента блокувати румун, тому що він вітає десь у хмарах.
Учора ми бачили розгубленого Президента, сьогодні ми взагалі нікого не бачимо. Навіть без реальної влади постать першої людини в країні вимагає хисту тримати удар.
Після ціх виборів (які поразка в Поділлі також підірвала - декілька наших кандидатів прокинулися сьогодні на оккупованій землі) буде ясно, що відбуватиметься надалі.
Я закликаю своїх співвітчизників від будь-яких проявів негативного відношення до угорців - це на користь нашій державі аж ніяк не піде.