Presidential candidates. Interviews!

Day 348, 01:04 Published in Canada Russia by Edward Edison

First V1 presidential elections are coming, so Canada's purpose decided to ask our candidates a few questions.

Q:What's the first thing you'll do as a president of Canada?


"Get the government running up to it's promises/proposals in about 2 days max instead of the usual 15 days just to get things going along. Then I would start working on the economy and preparing Canada to supply ATLANTIS' efforts world wide which, in turn will help the economy".


"Do an excellent job, decreasing unemployment, dealing with multi's, insuring domestic tranquility, all that jib jab. Until the last day I take the gold and declare war on Quebec. No real reason for it, except it would deal with some whiners".


"First off is a key. Our constitution is a mess. Suited to beta needs, it is irrelevant enough that it causes problems in the system. Therefore, a constitutional reform board is necessary in order for proper brainstorming be done to fix our most essential processes, and fast".


"Well I would complain about how much Admin are doing much, lol. But thats already been happening. And What we need is change. The first thing I plan on doing as President? Is make sure that the average Canadian has a job and always has money to spend on items and the such and live out their lives. You cant expect everyone to live off high taxes and minimum wage. I plan to keep taxes low and help the market by guiding it".

Q: Why Canadians should vote for you? What do you have that other candidates don't?


"I've got class".


"The CSD and I have the backbone principles of a time-tested ideology behind us, which guides our judgment, and makes sure we do not step out of our comfort boundaries or our morals. I have an almost non-existent temper which is yet to fail me and my ability to lead. Also, 7 months in government, working on various reforms and pacts on's RIA alliance is one thing. That's something that isn't easy to rack up".


"Why Canadians should vote for me. First thing that comes to mind is activity and overall experience. Ive been playing since March and I have been a member of the government since April. Held Two terms as Foriegn Affairs Minister and this Term as Defense. I think I have alot to bring to the plate than my opposition".


"I believe Canadians should vote for me because Canadians should be voting for a Prime Minister right now not a party. We voted for parties back in congress elections and I think that people should vote for platforms, ideas, thought and ability.

Well for starters I want to continue unity government whereas CPF does not. I am not sure if CSD wants to continue unity government (where everyone's ideas are in power not just one party) but I know that CPF wants to be done with a unity government (Not Tantis, the CPF). I am offering myself to Canada instead of my party in these elections.

I am not representing CPP in these elections but rather myself and CPP follows my ideas and will talk about them if there is something wrong with them. It is the complete opposite of what the CPF is currently doing and I feel bad for Tantis. He is a great candidate really he is with great ideas and thought but the CPF is saying they won't work/vote for him if he does not do exactly what they want from what i've heard. Some of Tantis' ideas have already been changed along with cabinet positions being changed due to people in the CPF refusing to work with other parties.

He would make a great Prime Minister if it was HIM in control not his party. The CPF is controlling him as a puppet right now and I hope he can ignore them and do things the way he wants to do them.Parties should not be fully influencing Prime Ministers but instead voice their opinions to the Prime Minister. What kind of party refuses to work or vote with their presidential candidate due to some of their decisions? Clearly, the CPF isn't the right choice here but Tantis is the right choice for Prime Minister as long as he stops being controlled by his party".

Q: If you weren't running for president who would you vote for and why?


"I would vote for Dean22. Reason why would be because he is active and he makes his intentions clear. Bruno is barely around and the same goes for Uraczak and zblewski is just playing around I have seen nothing from him at all, I have posted many times for him to do something as Deputy of Defense but nothing. Of all of them at least Dean22 is active".


"Voting's for squares, stay at home on election day".


"Well I would vote for Tantis if he stopped being led around by his party because he in a way deserves this. Being cheated out of the September presidential elections due to multi's and being an apprentice to great presidential candidates such as Adam Sutler it's about time that he did end up in the high seat 😛. If CPF is going to control Tantis however, I wouldn't vote for anyone.

I mean...Uraczak? I don't know the guy. Bruno is pro separatist and I support Quebec I just don't support separation. Zblewski I hate to say but it doesn't seem like he has the experience which, is why in a way the triumvirate was created in the first place. I believe the CSD won't win elections unless they put a new candidate forward like Cottus Arci. Cottus was inactive in September but recently he's proven that he is an active member of the community".


"To be honest, I'd be sitting on a beach, having a Coke Zero (I'm Type 1 Diabetic), and not voting. Honest!"