Presidential Candidate Breakdown

Day 1,201, 01:56 Published in USA USA by Daks
The Following is my personal opinion, with little to no facts and if you find it lacking and offensive, well there is a report button.... >_>

Anyway I wanted to publish this earlier but RL stuff happened and well you know....

Presidential Candidate Breakdown

The List

The Votes

March - This Month we have 5 presidential candidates, unfortunately there are only 3 who have a shot at winning. And out of those my money is Harrison Richardson (AKA - HR, Franco, on). I don't exactly feel he should win or that I want him to win but by the looks of it he might win. Unless Glove's support is as strong as the INCI tell us it is. The UIP did not nominate anyone this month so it's no clear who they will vote for.

I'd like to apologize to the 2 candidates I did not cover since you probably won't win...sorry. :/

(Harrison Richardson...Well Not exactly...)

Harrison (HR) - When I started this game he was ThisGenMedia since I was in what is sometimes referred to as the "newbie haze" (the first few months in which you learn everything, this includes the social and political climate) I had little to no contact with him before his HR persona. He has been president officially 3 times but only elected twice (he reminds me of Harry S. Truman in that regard). Anyway, he certainly has the experience in the Executive branch not only being president but serving in various presidential cabinets, in all Erep iterations/versions. However experienced he might be, he is such a controversial figure that just talking about him in some military irc channels can get you kicked or banned (Emerick and "he who shall not be named" also have that distinction). Now it is not because the military hates him or has a grudge against him (despite what some people might believe), it's the fact that he elicits such an emotional response from individuals that military personnel have a problem with. And such responses have lead to the military policy of no political discussion in military irc channels and the forum.

He is probably running this month because he doesn't feel that the other candidates are trustworthy enough or experienced enough to lead the US. He's got USWP support and the Feds (2 of the top 5), plus 4 6th parties (minor parties) and any citizens from other parties that believe the INCI support of Glove to be a PTO power grab.

IMO: While I believe that he won't do anything against the US (as long as he places his allegiance with the US), I don't think controversial figures can lead effectively, as they can't garner enough trust or keep enough faith in their leadership. But he has gained enough political support mainly from the lack of other candidates. If history has taught us anything it is that he doesn't have a great relationship with the JCS. And if history does repeat itself it, a JCS v. Executive fight can't be far behind. Since most believe a PTO is currently under way the most important thing a president can do is work with the military effectively.

Harrison's Newspaper

(That's right Glove was there...😃)

Glove - One of the few name synonymous with DIO, SEES, Exodus and Edward Norton. This young man has had a long colorful history. Born in the midst of the chaos of WW3 he has followed that path that Every Averageman has. Then he set out to be his own person, which lead him to SEES. His association with SEES has defined him to the point that we normally only remember him that way (No Glove, No Love). As far as experience is concerned he has respectable amount, a few congressional wins, and he has served in some presidential cabinets (I'm not a 100% sure about that last part). He is not however considered a "conventional" politician.

He runs this month as he is supported by the INCI and Libs, plus 8 6th place parties. So why not get elected to POTUS?

IMO: I wish I knew more, my past experiences with him (however superficial) have revealed a person that can be trustworthy enough not to screw us over (I maybe wrong but I want to be an optimist :/). However his popularity with non-conventional citizens are a source of controversy and will continue to be. And I believe controversial figures have a hard time leading, so his presidential term will not go well, especially in the current predicament the US finds itself in (Wars, Invasion, Alliance Troubles Again, and PTO's). I hope you prove me wrong.

Glove's Newspaper

(Voting for SVV...what's the worst that can happen...)

Sir Valaro Volcrum (SVV) - He was born in the aftermath of French Toast, he left the US during the arrival of Dioisim to America for the holy land. He became president of Israel after the impeachment of the previous president (sadly you don't get the medal for second place even if you do get the job 🙁 ). But his most defining feature is his association with the eUS armed forces. Long considered the political voice of the JCS by plenty of "conventional" politicians, he has a long history of pro-military agendas. He has respectable political experience, a few congressional terms, is involved with political parties (party leadership positions, not just a member), most recently the USDP.

He is running because his supporter asked him too, his supporters don't feel that the other candidates are trustworthy enough to lead the US and would rather not vote to a lesser of two evils. Only the USDP is officially supporting him.

IMO: Clearly he is in the same league as Glove with regards to experience, his support clearly comes from anyone that doesn't support the other two. Most his major support is to be believed from citizens that serve in the military, however despite a common misconception the military rarely votes in unison. Most people believe him to be trustworthy but they believe he lacks enough experience in the executive branch, and his pro-military agenda (AKA Pro-JCS to some) have not gained him much support from "conventional" politicians. Should he win the presidency he would find himself in a similar situation (although twice as bad) and former president Bradley Reala.

SVV's Newspaper

I'm trying to get back into the Newspaper biz, damn editing the article takes a lot of my time. Anyway it'll take a while to get back to my 300 subs, and to get people to actually read my paper... :/