Presidential Article....Sort of...Not really

Day 5,807, 22:33 Published in Japan Japan by metehan2010

Hello eJapan eCitizens,

I wanted to wait till I put the finances in order to type up something… Not that it matters much but out of respect to the title some of you thought I should have for the month of October… However, this will be a spicy article so prepare to be “triggered” 🙂

I ran for CP just because some of you are quite bothered with my party’s CP candidate selections and/or who we support when we do not have a CP candidate from within the party. Honestly, I do not understand the disrespect that gets demonstrated by some of our citizens who clearly have anger management issues, when an election result does not go the way they wanted to. Therefore, I was surprised when Think Twice stayed uncontested which “forced” him to run eJapan for another term. I am also surprised that we did not see any public outrage after I was elected, considering the transfer of power was less than smooth when Think Twice beat the incumbent candidate… Maybe we are all learning how not to throw a tantrum....publicly? Too soon to call? 🙂

With that said, this is all very entertaining for me and my team. Some of you already know the “game in a game” mindset and vision we follow. Going against the current and doubling down on the ideas we get criticized for, are actions we enjoy taking. And some of you secretly must like it, otherwise there is no way this party should be able to run any eCountry 3 terms in a row 🙂 When we see the things are calming down too much, you will probably see another action that will create some sensory processing issues. Although, for one more term, you can count on us behaving normal(ish) (...or can you really???).

Anyways, enough with me being extra annoying so let’s get to business:

After I was able to recapture/revive all the org accounts the financial situation was as shared below:

As of today, we settled all of our tax return deals up to the day 5799 (October 6). Snapshots, donate links etc all recorded. We aligned all our TW partners to settle everything (tax calculations) from previous month’s 7th day (when previous CP took over the control officially) to current month’s 6th day (Last day previously elected CP serves). This should help keeping track of taxes during transfer of power a little easier. Poland is an exception with a couple days shift to this alignment but that is not a big deal for now. Maybe next month we can get Poland also to calculate from 7th to 6th… On November 6th, if I manage not to get impeached till then, I will calculate everything for each TW partner and leave it for the new CP to settle on 7th with the org login information. This is how transfer of power should be handled in my opinion.

After the final transactions mentioned above, here is the financial snapshot of the orgs we have:

As you can see, I have started to play in the monetary market again since it does not cost anything to try. The rates are a bit too good for this to materialize any profits though. I will share more about it later if we get any results worth making public.

Donate Laws: Our daily income shot over 300k a day (Finland region almost 200k a day) so we should keep the 400k donate laws to Bank of eJapan coming back to back as much as possible. Approximately 250k per day will be paid back to Finland Canada and Spain at the end of the month. That will be a large sum so every congress member should do their part as soon as they see a donate law ends and a new one can be placed. Each congress member gets 2 laws so keep one for impeachment option cause you are going to need it 😀

Cabinet: Just me. I receive some unofficial help here and there. I will announce if this changes. No symbolic title assignments unless there will be an actual contribution provided regarding governing. I have nothing against the symbolic titles and I think it is important to show support in that way because I have no doubt whoever holds a government title would step up to do anything necessary when needed. But for this term, I need to take full responsibility and mitigate any residual confusions during on the record and off the record communications with other TW partners. So if this turns into a sh*tshow, it is my fault, no one else’s. There are just too many conversations going on in the shadows... There is one exception, if Hugo wants a position in the cabinet, he can have it. No questions asked, no debates allowed.

Estonia: Was never a secret that after “the incident” I have been making plans to get rid of that TW. To reiterate, this has been more of a protest against the people within ourselves who handled the situation in a way I completely disagreed with, than a particular feud with Estonia and/or the person himself, as he has cleared the air back then through private messaging and again just recently after this election. It was genuine enough for me and I have not heard or witnessed any further negative claims regarding the communication style so we will not pursue any agenda to create chaos involving Estonia for this term at least (AS SA still on the table so don’t let me fool you 😊). Besides, it would be too predictable and we would not enjoy watching others scramble as much.

Moldova: Well it looked like we could lose two TWs with that RW but with some extra effort that was turned around. Thank you for your support and I hope you did not burn many EBs. I understand that many of us would not miss the Romanian TW, since they make it difficult for us to keep our line during the battles we need to defend, often enough to make it an actual problem, but I would rather end it organically than artificially. We tried once and they voted against it so here we are with that conundrum 😊 If another RW gets initiated and we lose both TWs, Estonia agreed to run our TW with them back to back with minimal gap in between battles.

J.U.D.O: I do not have plans to resume this almost traditional program. Feel free to try to change my mind 😊

I have no intention to run for another term in November unless someone manages to annoy me enough to prove once again, any idiot can get elected and be the CP, it is not that big of a deal 😀

TLDR version:
Don't complain about election results, deal with it...
