Presidential Announcement - Day 991

Day 991, 11:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

So, last night it would appear that the UK President was hacked, this in turn ment that the UK attacked everyone, including most of Ireland. Im please to announce that with a mixture of running around like headless chickens, and hand flapping, we were able to scare the Brits off our shores.

With this in mind, anyone in Dublin, needs to move back to Irish held regions ASAP, this is very very important! Contact me for Moving tickets!

Now onto the bit everyone really wants to know!

Ministers for August 2010

Lots of applications, sadly not room for everyone, for those that also applied wanting to help rather than be a minster, your names will be passed onto the ministers. If anyone wants to help with a ministry, either to shadow, or just learn, feel free to contact those below!

Vice President

Niall H

Minister of Finance

Co-MoF Kavrocks

Chief of Staff

Ian Arbuckle

Ministers of Defense

Marcus Suridius
Niall H

Ministers of Foreign Affairs


Minister of New Citizens


Minister of Recruitment


Ministers of Industry


Ministers of Education

Sennan Blake

Minister of Information

Ivan Blair

Minister of Immigration

Heindrich Gruber

Ministers of Community


Yes! some new names, all ministers need to attend a meeting tomorrow on IRC, meeting will be at 1930 UK/Irish time, should last around an hour.

Anyone with access to an ORG which should goto a new minister, please pass the ORG onto the new minsiters!


Ensure you login 😉
