Presidential Announcement - Day 990

Day 990, 06:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by 5n4keyes

\o/ I Won \o/

I would like to thank all those who voted for me, but more importantly, thank you to all those who voted outside of your own party. I know we as a country were missing alot of votes, but remember alot of eIrish went to aid in croatia! And to anyone thinking of running in the future, It just goes to show you dont need support from the top 4 Parties to win an election! (Tho it helps).

August is going to be an intresting month, with the UK already taking Dublin, what more is to come? We will be busy fixing out economy, improving the IDF, and attempting to sell PP to the UK!

Now for the bit everyone is wondering about! Ministers!

I have not officially picked any minsters yet, thus, you need to apply, anyone can apply, simply by mailing me, with what position you want! and some other little bits of information. If you happen to be going on holiday during this month and you apply, please also let me know when your due to leave and return, purely so I can organise cover for you!

Positions avalible are:

Minister of Finance - Applicants need to have not stolen our treasury before, and have a firm grasp of economics!

Minister of Defense - Applicants must be very active, the IDF needs alot of time, especially during battle! You also need to be using IRC!

Ministers of Foreign Affairs - Applicants need to be calm, information on other languages you know would also be useful!

Minister of New Citizens - Applicants must have a fair bit of time to aid the newbies, work on updating the new citizen message and new citizen wiki page, and also help recruit.

Minister of Recruitment - Applicants need to visit websites, forums, information boards and recruit new citizens to Ireland!

Minister of Industry - Applicants who own there own company would deffinatly be ideal since they know the mechanics, activeness to ensure jobs and companies are supplied.

Minister of Education - Applicants need to be willing to educate alot of citizens, and make several articles helping citizens, Wiki access would also be useful!

Minister of Information - Applicants must have wiki access as you will be working with the MoE and MoNC to update our Wiki pages.

Minister of Immigration - Open for all!

Minister of Community - Open for all! Tho due to IP once being MoC, you have to like Pink walls in the office...

All applications need to be received by, 1900 on Saturday (1100 Day 991), Minister positions will be announced shortly after this, you need to ensure your free Sunday evening around 1930ish, as there will be a meeting on IRC for all ministers so we can discuss the new term.

Again thanks for all the votes!
