Presidential Address

Day 352, 15:21 Published in Czech Republic Germany by shanethe13

Yesterday marked a turning point in Czech history. For the first time, the parties of our great country came together to elect a common leader. The election wasn't based on bias, and it was clean in every way. There was no mud-slinging between the candidates, no foul play to get elected, and most importantly, no accusations meant to belittle a citizen or candidate.

This course of action symbolizes how I wish to run the country. I won't tell lies to gather support, I won't hide the issues we must address, and I won't take credit for our inevitable success. We will succeed, and it won't be because of me, it will be because we came together to work towards a common goal; a goal that benefits us all, not just one party, one company, or even one citizen.

To begin my term as president, I aim to build long-lasting relationships with our neighbours, starting with Slovakia. As many of you know, Slovakia was recently liberated, and as such, needs our help. They have no food, no jobs, and no money, and because of this, I would like to start my term by proposing a donation of 10 000 SKK to their nation. Although it may not seem like it, this donation will benefit us just as much as it will benefit them. It will act as an initial contract, sealing an era of peace between our nations. It will gain us a valuable ally in times of need, along with a long-lasting trading partner.

In addition to building relationships with Slovakia, I am aiming to build such relationships with nations all over the world. A large job that cannot be done alone, and to assist me in this role, I appoint Parrot as my Secretary of State. Parrot's job will be to aid myself in forming NAP's with foreign nations, so that I'll be able to sign them when negotiated.

Whether you supported me in yesterdays elections or not, I am your president, and I will act like your president. I will not be biased in any way, I will hear your concerns, and I will listen intently.