Presidential Address

Day 3,974, 16:07 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Salaam aleikum! Glory to Pakistan! Brothers and Sisters of the Greater Stardust Crusaders and Kashmir Confederation, I thank you for electing me as your Country President. This is my Seventh Time in Office in this Country as President (The only Country Worthy of my Leadership). So far things are going well. I recently pushed an Embargo Law to Congress, Swedish Aggression must not be unchallenged. Double-Spaniards will be next.

I have messaged the outgoing Country President in regards to National Organization Account email and password access. I will give him 24 hours, if he is still acting like a bot I will have to ticket the Wig's about this matter.

Notice: I have fired the entire Cabinet. The reason for this is simple, I want all Country Communication to go through me. I will update the citizenry of Pakistan when things change or when I get information that is vital.

At this time I have messaged the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs. It has been over a month since they invited Poland to Air-strike us with the hope of resetting determination in our regions. The plan was to reset determination in our regions then allow the Iran-Pakistan Training Wars to continue.

However, over a month of this plan has been carried out and Pakistan still has a 5.93 determination in the Region of Balochistan. Apparently the new rules do not work well with their intended plan. I have made a clear counter-offer to the Iranians via personal message.

So let me explain: As you should know by now the Country of Japan has Aircraft resources in their Region of Kinki, and over several Moons they rented this region to Serbia (just like for us, protection was also on the table). However, as time wore on the usefulness of these Resources were in question as the Wig's never updated the industry, in essence its a dead industry with very few produced and very little sold due to their cost/effect ratio.

I have asked for proof of region rental (where is the money that the Iranians took in tax that should be reciprocated back to our treasury), and furthermore I have put the whole Training War and Region Rental agreement into question. I also made the proposition that Poland needs to leave our Clay if we are to conduct Congress elections in Pakistan. I expect to get an answer to my questions in 24 hours as well, if not I would not be surprised if they ignore me as they have increasingly become bullies in the region.

That is all for now.

Your Loving President,

Country President of Pakistan

PS: If I do receive the Organization Accounts, I might hold a country-wide economic stimulus because as I see it now, the cash is just collecting dust.