Presidental Announcement

Day 1,540, 09:33 Published in Austria Austria by ScythaArcher

Greetings eAustria’s citizens!

These days an attack happened on our community. ASM party proposed an impeachment against me, against your president, the president You elected. Not sure if it was ’only’ a provocation, or a direct attack against our country, but luckily the proposal failed, thank to the wise congressmen of our great nation. However, it is clear that our nation is in danger. The extremists, those who are gathering in ASM have more and more political power, and influence on mostly the naiv and newbie IRL austrian players. The communist Vreath and the nazi/commie strasserist Balkan Beast cooperated before and after the elections too.

I managed to get message logs of them where they tried to convince some groups of our nation to vote for them. These groups previously were stamped as TOers and enemies of our nation, but they showed loyalty, when they reported us about the growing darkness.

We can’t let the extremists take over command! Their attack on us can not be without answer! They make false promises, influence our newbie people badly. If these things keep going on, we will loose our pro-ONE status, or our great hungarian friends’ alliance, and most important: our treasury in the orgs! Please note, that if they could manage to impeach me, all the orgs passwords would went to the communist Vreath! We can’t risk that extremists handle our national treasury! ASM sent nine players to the congress, and guess what, there were nince ’yes’ votes on the impeachment!

Their attempt to manipulate the presidental poll, their mass PMs where they stated lies about me, and my january cabinet, and their impeachment attempt to get our orgs can’t be without answer.

They managed to get over a dozen of their friends into our country and influenced another dozen or two of our naive newbies. But our numbers are bigger! The coalition of the parties of eAustria, the szekler friends of ours and the kuruces will ensure that the socialist exremists won’t harm us, won’t anymore! I promise you that I won’t let you down! These are hard times and it requires serious decisions by me. But I assure you, I am ready to make those decisions! I will secure our country against any enemy inside and outside!

Dear eAustria, hard times are ahead us, but I know you are ready for the fight against the extremists! I promise, I will lead you till my last breath! I’ll do everything to defend our great nation, and our community!

With the greatest respect towards you all,
Country President of eAustria

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Published by
Imperial Spokesman