President, what's it?

Day 330, 17:07 Published in Thailand Thailand by Luis Carlos Prestes

Hello friends of Thailand,I will talk about our country and the recents events.The political situation here is so critical that virtually all the opposition parties, regardless of their political positions, formed a bloc to reject the measures of TNT (which ironically means "Thailand United"), we proposed changes in rates and economic, if everything we are sure, the defeat TNT in the next presidential elections.Well, I'm here to disclose a problem even more serious has happened today.It all began with the launch of V1, which expanded the power of Congress. Our president never discussed his proposals. Rockman 9(president), always sent new laws to Congress and had the votes to his side. Yesterday, as one of the first steps of the TRP, our Congressman Rody2k9 proposed the Impeachment of the current president.The vote ended on 11 x 9 in favor of Impeachment. Unfortunately, therefore, unable to gather the 66%, the minimum needed to impeach. But that did not calm Rockman, because all of our other proposals were passed with a YES, some by a wide margin of victory.This morning, 'for an answer,' he created an article EXTREMELY homophobic and biased talking about the events. In addition to writing only in Portuguese - in a country where the official language is English - he offended our Congress and homosexuals, to make a ridiculous comparison yesterday of calling our actions "A bunch of fags."But first, being gay is not a crime, much less offense, quite the contrary, it is a personal choice of each of which must be respected. Secondly, according to the RULES OF EREPUBLIK, this type of comment is a case for banishment, as we see the following link: if it were not enough, Rockman also drew the attitudes of the opposition as attitudes of 'children' and made a tremendous disrespect to citizens of the country, saying that "If some gringo wants to read this go use the translator." As if he was in Brazil! It was an extremely Disrespectful attitude with all players.Here is a print-screen (copy) of the article, properly saved if Rockman modify / delete his post: will advise representatives in the largest possible number of countries to prevent cases like this from happening again.This article, appropriately modified, is already being sent to the administrator of the game. My intention with this complaint to the comrades of other countries is to draw attention to the world about what is happening in Thailand, to gather more support and count on the 'report' of all players.All I want is some help. Please, send a 'Report Abuse' to the administrator of the game commenting on the event.This is the link:,Luis Carlos PrestesTRParty President
Brasilian Version: