President Minamoto: Address to the Nation

Day 626, 10:20 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Hello honorable citizens of Japan,

This is your President Speaking.

The days surrounding the election period were full of excitement and nervousness; many were clanging their drinks together as they watched the election process on television from the comfort of their local bar. Some were panicing at the thought of a new administration and decided to scream "Political Takeover!!" in the middle of the streets for many hours after sunset and indeed some time into the early hours of the morning. Others were indifferent, new citizens to our land that had only followed the campaign and interviews with a degree of neutrality, exercising their impartial judgement. Needless to say, I want to thank everyone that voted for me with vigour and I'll do my absolute best to be your President.

I'm keen on you (The good Japanese public) to participate in the construction of this country and I welcome advice from all.

I won't sugar coat this next part and I'll tell you how I see it:
The slight delays were due to the old leadership being stubbornly reluctant to transfer the power yesterday. It took all day, but I finally got access to the government orgs yesterday thanks to the help of Mr. Geno Garon (Who, by the way, didn't hesistate to send the information to me). I was also informed that I should be expected to create my own government channels in the IRC for some reason; it is done now. Next, I requested Admin priviledges in our forum so I can be more swift in the administration and delegation of responsibility- I still haven't received this (If you sympathise, please mail Kokawayoshi Makoto politely, asking him to fulfil my request).
I planned to kick start things once I got these obstacles out of the way so I could be more detailed in my work. So bear with me please.


For those of you that didn't read the gigantic interview with Ms. Fae.

-Vice President: Jbic75
-Minister of Defense: KITA Ikki
-Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lauri Mursu
-Minister of Finance: Yusuke
-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry: Akki
-Minister of Health, Education and Welfare: Ryuu Toumori
-Minister of Internal Affairs (Civil Admin): Reiji Mitsurugi

I'm also pleased to announce that kyonkyon (or きょんきょん as is on our forum) will be our Secretary of Culture and Events!!

All Cabinet members will be filled in about what to expect soon.

The second round of PEACE wargames will continue. There wasn't one yesterday because countries were making their second payments. I've confirmed that another battle will start at 12pm today since the sum amount of gold in the PEACE GC War Council org was met; a battle will probably start on every odd day of the month for up to 14 days after that.

The Sol Alliance
I have signed the Sol Charter on behalf of the Japanese people since we seemed to get a good response from the proposal topic in our forums. We are now officially a part of the growing organisation! More details to come as things develop.

Korean Summit / Press Conference
There are many uncertainties amoungst the general population about what is going on with the Koreans. I plan on trying to set up a meeting between North & South Koreans as well as Japan.
The meeting will take place on the IRC. It will consist of leadership from all 3 nations, plus selected journalists from each that will be able to ask questions and also report the on the Conference for those that don't visit the IRC very often or those that couldn't make it. It will most likely be in a moderated channel and we will allow any citizen to come in and observe, however they will not be given voice so we can keep things orderly. The NnK will publish the details when they are finalised.

If you are South or North Korean Leadership and I have not you talked to you about this, please send me a mail or try to find me on #ejapan. Thanks.

~MInamoto, President of Japan

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