President Election.. Nov 2009..AHF Views...

Day 715, 22:15 Published in India India by Azad Hind Fauj

Its been a while seeing some Competition in President Election of India, For first time after regaining independence, we are having 3 Candidates running for President post -

However, Most of the new peoples are not aware of all the candidates. Though too make our stand clear, AHF endorse "kansarasumit" as Presidential candidate, And hope that each & every citizen of India will vote him, Not because AHF is asking to do so, But because looking at the wonderful work he has done in his current term as President.

His diplomatic tactics, has helped India getting a better platform to put her Voice, And respect among all other countries of the World.

During his Tenure, Internal Affairs department worked in a great way, and we have been able to keep wellness of all the active citizens at high levels.

MPP with Romania & spain act as a milestone in development of eIndia & ts relation with other countries.
As soon as he was elected president, he got us a Q5 hospital placed in maharashtra for free.

Oh and for those who dont know abt it - He is Co-founder of AHF, and was designer of Very first logo of AHF

I will request each & every citizen of eIndia to vote for "kansarasumit" for a better India, We are on a path of progress & lets give him another term to finish his plans.
