Presentation for my run for Congress in Gyeonggi-do + A little story telling

Day 1,099, 01:06 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells
Bask in the glow of the Sun God, my fellow kin.

Presentation starts here:

To be honest, I'm a man of no experience. You could hardly call me a man, as I'm usually scared out of my wits when someone tells me to try something new and out of the ordinary. I didn't join this game before it was cool to and I may not be the best, but why be so pessimistic about things when we've got plenty more rainbows to look at?

If only they did it more often.

When I first joined eRepublik, I had no clue it was serious business. I thought people just ran around with money and tried to make everyone else look poor. Of coure, this was before I discovered that such a thing as an article or a newspaper existed in the eRepublik world. After learning to read, I noticed how friendly and how unfriendly people were. I had noticed that there was an active community within this little gem.

It's only today that I'm still here because I still believe that this eCountry is the shiniest gold coin out of the chest. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I wouldn't lock it in a display case forever either. eSouth Korea is something everyone should be able to view and appreciate. Without doubt, there are some who would rather go about and watch more animus, but I would gladly open the front door to anyone who truly wishes to be part of our community.

Well, I'm not neccessarily him, but you get the idea, right?

Now you understand, that when times are like this and everyone starts leaving, it hurts me to see them go. They have their reasons, and I'm certain of it, but I can't be all Koala about the things people have left behind. It's too cliche to say that I want a better Korea, so I'll put it this way: even if I can't polish everything so it looks diamond sparkly clean, I can at least try to scrub it to the extent where it doesn't look dirty. I like to think trying isn't about reaching perfection, but achieving the standard that's right for you.

I know this article is horribly structured and that my sentence lengths aren't varied, but I do this all anyway because I want to believe everyone, even I, can help make the slightest differences that ultimately affect people, whether it be just a region or the whole country. I don't mind being the guinea pig for those who are a little bit frightened of the word "politics", but I do hope my efforts don't go to waste.

"N, O. No, to all of the allegations made against me." Winston Peters sure knew what honesty was.

All I'm saying is, I'd like to have a Chance McNugget meal. Yes, I'd like to have it here please.