Preluat din presa americana

Day 832, 05:10 Published in Romania Hungary by Zoli

Desi nu obijnuiesc sa fac acest lucru, public fara traducere cateva fragmente dintr-un articol gasit in presa americana. Articolul nu este scris de catre un incepator, si este dovada faptului ca Romania are nevoie de un PR mai bun in SUA.

"What, are we afraid of spending money? We just got told to invade a worthless country UK by EDEN. Then, we receive token aid. Thanks a lot guys. Maybe we should just join an alliance like Sol. At least then we wouldn't have to put up with the Romanians invading countries like Bulgaria. Honestly, who cares about Bulgaria? Who freaking gives a crap? I didn't realize we were just in it to invade BS countries, enemy or no. Maybe you could have invaded someone like Serbia and done something really major. Instead you invade Bulgaria. Wow. Good job guys. You are so tough. I want to be like you. Now people are going to say "You American scum-filth just invaded the UK." Yeah, because Jewitt was told to by the EDEN High Command or Whatever They Are Named. Against the US advisors. Something is wrong here. I didn't realize Croatians and Romanians and Finns and whoever else elected our President. I'm pretty sure the Joint Chiefs of Staff took precedence"
"I want to thank our allies - namely Canada, Spain, Poland, Norway, and Sweden. Croatia has been helping us too. Screw Romania. They are just a bunch of whiners. I remember them whining when they lost in Russia and now they're whining when they couldn't hold in the most bullcrap country ever. I am sick of hearing about how Romania is so important. We can win battles without them. I for one am not going to lose my hard-earned man points crying after them. I'm honestly sickened to my stomach by people who just want to pander to the Romanians. They seem to crawl back inside their shell about once every 6 months and start complaining about rules, game mechanics, or others not helping them enough. The fact is - Romania caused us to lose Hello-Kitty because they a) were busy getting the sh** kicked out of them by Hungary after goading them for months, b) Caused us to launch the attack prematurely as an attempt to get us to stop their initiative, and then c) didn't help us at all while they were busy defending a bunch of crap regions that have nothing important. Who cares about Transylvania? "
"And lastly Romania - if you want to gain any points with anyone, maybe you could whip out your balls that you haven't had for the last year and a half, ever since you retreated inside your shell after you lost a battle. Just because you can do a sh**-ton of damage doesn't mean that we should beg for your assistance. I for one am sick of it. Man up."

Stiu ca sunt multe persoane "pierdute" in SUA dar cu putin PR s-ar putea imbunatati semnificativ imaginea Romaniei.