Preliminary Political Climate Survey Findings

Day 485, 22:19 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

The following results are from my eUS Political Climate Surveywhich is still open.

I encourage everyone to participate in the survey so that my data will be more accurate.

Sample size: 40

The Issues
* 40% of eAmericans support the Mexican war, 40% are opposed, and 20% have neutral feelings about it.

* 63% of eAmericans disapprove of Uncle Sam's presidency. 18% approve.

* 56% of eAmericans want a VAT rate between 0% and 5%.

* 3% of eAmericans want to eliminate the income tax altogether; 30% want an income tax between 1% and 5%; 27% want an income tax between 6% and 10%; 33% want an income tax between 10% and 15%; 6% want an income tax 16% or above.

* 63% of eAmericans want an import tax rate of 16% or higher.

* Only 23% of eAmericans want most government funding to come from VATs. About 40% of eAmericans want government revenue evenly distributed between VATs and income taxes. 38% want most government revenue to come from income taxes.

* 15% of eAmericans would want to lower the minimum wage, if were possible. 70% believe the minimum wage should remain the same. 16% believe the minimum wage should be raised.

* 55% of eAmericans oppose impeachment.

* Sentiment about nationalized industry is more or less evenly distributed across the spectrum, with around 38% in favor of it, 47% opposed, and 14% neutral or somewhere in between.

* 13% of eAmericans want to leave ATLANTIS and go it alone. 44% want to leave ATLANTIS and create a third alliance. Another 44% want to remain in ATLANTIS. None want to leave ATLANTIS and join PEACE.

* 63% of eAmericans approved of how Uncle Sam handled the UK/ATLANTIS fine crisis. 13% felt neutrally, and 25% disagreed.

Presidential Election Poll
* 19% said they would vote for scrabman (USWP)
* 14% said they would vote for Desertfalcon (Conservative Party)
* 28% said they would vote for PrincessMediPi (UIP)
* 3% said they would vote for Jamarcus (Green)
* Nonesuch (Illuminati) and John Jay (PAC) received no votes in this poll.
* 17% said they would vote for an unlisted candidate.
* The unlisted candidates were Dawgas (2😵, Nathan Woods (2😵, Densmai (6😵, Uncle Sam (7😵
* 19% said they don't know who they're voting for yet.

* Only 6% of those interviewed were new voters.

More complex analysis will be conducted in future newspaper editions. Party presidents are welcome to contact me for more detailed information.