PP Manifesto

Day 921, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lon Kirk

Before publishing my PP Manifesto I like to say that I just made level 20.

Greetings, I am Lon Kirk in game and in the eUK forums I am LonKirk and I am running for PP of the Social Democratic Party!

An Introduction

You should all know me by now. I just want to do the best I can for the SDP and for that reason is why I am running. My Career at eRepublik so far I was started to play on 25.10.2009 - Day 705. I am a Colonel in the eUK Army, Level 20, I have been an Lt in eUK eRoyal Navy, but I quit. I am very active on IRC and the eUK forums. I have always tried to answer any questions I can. I am also an apprentice and mentor in the Citizen Department of the eMinistry of Home Affairs in the eUK Government for this month.

Social Democrats Party Career/Experience

I have been in the SDP as since it gained about 10 members. I am Vice Party President, a recruiter and a Group Leader of the SDP's Private Party Forum in the eUK forums in this current Term of PP which ProudtobeBritish23 is doing a good stable job of it. Congrats on that Proud. I am also through out Melophore and ProudtobeBritish23 reigns as PP the welcomer to the SDP where I talk to all new members of the SDP within 24 hours of them joining us. I also was official Banter and Community officer under the Melophore time as PP. I have also worked in SDP party companies under control of Melophore since I joined the SDP and I have donated what I can afford to SDP. I have worked in the SSTU Moving Company for at least month to provide moving tickets for people to vote for the SDP candidate they wanted for congress which got 4 members of SDP into Congress this month include me. I am have won a Congress seat in the South East of England for the Social Democrats Party this month.

What I want from my time as PP if I win is?

Forum and IRC

I would work towards have as many members of the SDP being on the forums and IRC being as active as they can.


I would like to give to a loyal active member the job of keeping our wiki erep page update and good looking.

Within the party

I think we need to get a complete policy outlook for how to we would govern the eUK. I would also like to see the party grow in numbers to increase as much as possible by the end of my term so we are as powerful force in the eUK Politic system as possible. I want party unity in the sense that any arguement and falling out between members do not last too long. And that all people in the party are working for the party in some way that suits the skills and time they have available.


In Congress I want to have as many SDP members elected as possible, but the people who win must be willing to work together with all other congress members from the SDP so that we can get the max from our numbers in Congress.

Relationships with the other political parties in the eUK and eAboard

Though we are strong party we need to have good relationship with all left winged minded political parties in the whole of the erepublik so that the left are in power in as many places as possible and to get the most done for the left everywhere. That is where I will be working as PP to do in relationship with other left minded parties. Against the Right we must stand unity against them.


I want to have as strong SDP as we can be. If I win the PP race I promise to do what I can to get that but I need everyone who is a member of the SDP to do their bit too. I want unity and strong SDP that one day will rule eUK. But this is a long term aim as we need to do this only when we are ready. I will work with you to get us ready as soon as possible.

Thank for you reading this, I am humble that you have read this.


