PP elections issue / United Slavs re-established

Day 696, 07:19 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red_Baxter

Hello citizens!

Sorry for bothering, but I think I have responsibility to answer what happened in (former) NCP party last couple of days.

As you can all see, I have become new party president (PP) thanks to support from members of NCP party.

Reason for my candidacy in last day (14th October) is simple, I never tried to escape from truth and I take responsibilities for my actions like this one.

Truth is, that I never was member of United Slavs/ New Czech Power party in past, I always obtained in Nezavislost. But I dont remember when I had bad relations with any US/NCP party president or some member.
With no one except logamac 😃

After blasphemer´s article about newcoming elections, Martin23230 resigned, leaving logamac as only candidate.

Well, my relations with logamac are quite complexed.
In begining, when he arrived in Cz, I thought he can be helpful to country (and he really was, at least for some time), and I can say that he was better accepted into Czech society than myself a month earlier than he came. But after couple of articles he published about pan-slavic plans and alliance, I was disappointed. I myself am not against pan-slavism, but I didnt liked his approach to this issue. I believe most of you reading this article knows every detail of his plans and propaganda to achieve this, so I wont spoil much about it.
Next thing that made logamac even more unpopular in Cz is granting big amounts of citizenship's to foreign players before congress elections on 25th september.

Then he resigned from congress, dissappeared for a while, until he came back with same false approach for party president and country presidency.
As I said before, his plan is nothing bad from my point, as he tried to achieve certain goals he sees valuable for this country and many more, but what I really dislike is his approach.

That is why I joined NCP day before elections, candidate for PP without even article, but looks like it wasn't necessary to take presidency over party 😃

I dont have nothing to say to logamac, it is obvious that people would vote for him if they agree with his approach.

Now a little bit about party.

As you can see, I changed its name back on United Slavs, because it was logamac last wish 😃
But I believe this party had very good history in CR as United Slavs, and that is something that prevailed in case of name.
As it is ussual in CR, active peoples are rare, and that is also case in this party. I believe 4/5 of US party members wont even read this article, but those who will, plz contact me and lets try to reorganize this party.
I am fully opened for any ideas you have.

I hope I answered everything czech public wanted to know about this happening, if there is smth I missed to mention, feel free to ask.
