PP Elections - Interview with candidates [Reprint]

Day 785, 02:53 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

Good day everyone!

As Elections Correspondent for the MoInfo, I have a task of informing everyone on the upcoming elections. This will be my last print in this position.

So I have had an interview with most of the candidates that are going to run...

Here is what they have to say:

Liberal Party of South Africa:

Martin Warmonger

1) Why are you running for PP?

Well, as many of you know, I co-founded the party in August of last year. And so the party feels like a kind of home for me, I also think I am a decent Party President, I won't beat Mark hehe, but I am alright.

2) Why should people vote for you?

Well, they can put the trust of the party in my hands, because I have good experience with being a Party President. Also, I don't think anyone else is running so haha xD

3) What one different thing will you bring to the party if you get elected?

As always, I, and the party as a team, will try to get into the top-five, get more members. The party leadership has been working on a project for the last few weeks that I hope to initiate in my term.

4) Do you have any specific goals for the party?

Get in the top-five, initiate the project I mentioned. And of course give our current President a party to be proud of!

5) Anything else you would like to add?

Sorry for the short answers! But I really hope and think that I will get elected into the office of the Party President, and I ask all members of the LPSA to please consider me a good candidate for the job!


Associates of General Wellness


1) Why are you running for PP?

Well, for a while now, I've felt I can do really good for the AGW as PP. But, two times ago RL issues made me decide not to run, and last time, with the assault on eSA, my party decided vote all for one person because one of our runners got hacked. So, this time I decided to run again, to hopefully reach my goals for the party.

2) Why should people vote for you?

I am have some great ideas for my party that I feel could benefit us.

3) What one different thing will you bring to the party if you get elected?

Well, I will rely look at our party, and help develop our news paper, now on an unofficial hiatus, and bring in a couple other creative things.

4) Do you have any specific goals for the party?

I do, but the only one I will reveal before I post my platform is to figure out, who, as a party, we all, a goal all PP and PP electees before me have strived for, but have been unable to achieve.

5) Anything else you would like to add?

Well, I feel I could be a great PP. I listen to others well, take in there points and views, and I have some great ideas.

South African Gold Party

Nick Jones

1) Why are you running for PP?

Well i felt that the Gold party needed new leadership and Robert didn't seem to indicate that he was running for another term so I thought I would give it a try.

2) Why should people vote for you?

Well for all the change that will be brought to he party and my ideas on being a bipartisan party and having all South Africans have a say not just the elite.

3) What one different thing will you bring to the party if you get elected?

I will start a Shadowing Program that will allow the newer and greener citizens to learn from the veterans in our party.

4) Do you have any specific goals for the party?

I would like to see more activity amongst the party members not just the same old 7 or so.

5) Anything else you would like to add?

I want party unity that is my number one goal a unified party and idea center.
________________________________________ ________________

Hamilton Moore

1) Why are you running for PP?

I'm running for the South African Gold Party President because the Gold Party is currently undergoing some major changes and is getting ready to redefine how political parties run in eSA, and I have gotten involved in helping push these changes through and am enjoying being active and working closely with my fellow Gold Party members to do this.

2) Why should people vote for you?

People should vote for me based on the work I've done for the party in the past, my current contribution to a number of things we're doing as a party internally, and my platform which I have posted in my newspaper. But really people should vote for me because I'm an active problem solver, who looks for realistic ways to make things work and get things done. And I believe that is the type of person we need at the moment in the SAGP.

3) What one different thing will you bring to the party if you get elected?

Walls of text! It's a bit of a joke, but it also isn't. We're currently creating our policy documents and finalising structures within the party for how we will operate going into the future. As the active members on the forums will attest I've posted well over 4000 words worth of policy, which is painful but what we actually need to stop people wasting time each new term trying to decide how to do things, and actually just DOING them.

4) Do you have any specific goals for the party?

I plan to increase the number of members in the SAGP by minimum 50% and I plan to create the platform to get a SAGP Country President Elected on the 5th of February (not me I should be quick to point out!)

5) Anything else you would like to add?

Best wishes to my opponent Nick Jones. He is also an active party member who has tried to assist us with a number of initiatives. Also a huge thank you to everyone who has come out in support of my platform as well as all of those helping internally in the party with our policy development!
Than ks 🙂

Independent Alternative


1) Why are you running for PP?

I feel it is time for me to step up my game in politics, and where better place to start than at my own party?

2) Why should people vote for you?

Well, except that I have some good eRep experience, I know that I am a hard worker, and accomplish just about anything I put my mind to. So if you vote for me, you know that things will happen in our party at a rate never seen before! 😉

3) What one different thing will you bring to the party if you get elected?

I want to bring in a proper structure, and some awesome strategy! But its all top secret... So if I had to tell you, id have to kidnap you and make you "disappear"...

4) Do you have any specific goals for the party?

Well, I am looking at 2 achievable goals: Growth and Congress. I would like our party to hit the 45 members amount by the time of next PP. And I aim in getting at least 9 people into congress...

All of this is achievable if we work together. So I urge all in the IA to please step up, and help take our party into the next level!

5) Anything else you would like to add?

I would like to thank everyone in the IA (even those that have died... may you rest in peace Gabe and Siro). You all have inspired me to become the best I can be! And hopefully I can inspire others in our party to be the best they can be!


Thank you for reading, and remember to GO VOTE Tomorrow!

Elections Correspondent for Ministry of Information