POTUS Election Watch: Pizza the Hut Edition

Day 1,018, 11:52 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria

My fellow eAmericans,

If you thought that everyone was hating on Necros Xiaoban alone, you were wrong. The next interviewee has been the subject of at least one message I’ve received to inform me about the candidates and their platforms. I guess 3LW was right when they said, “Haters gonna hate.

As for The Royal Tribune, this is a hater-free zone during POTUS Election Watch. I ask you to keep offensive comments about any candidate to yourself and to act civil toward one another.

In the interest of presenting a balanced, impartial, objective and accurate portrayal of the candidate for the public, I have sought out Mr. Pizza the Hut for an interview.

This will be the second in a series of four interviews of potential POTUS candidates.

Why did you choose to run for POTUS
I have run previously and believe I represent a real change and a return of power to the people of this country. For too long the elites have dominated the power base and held everyone else in their grasp. It's time for America to be the land of liberty once again. I intend to lead it there.

What kind of platform are you running on? Why?
I am running on a low-tax, pro-military aggression, pro-stronger alliances, pro-liberty for eUS citizens platform. I offer the only real plan to make our nation stronger societally, economically, and defensively. I believe that a President must have a comprehensive solution to all our problems because they must be ready to lead on day one.

Tell me how you’ve chosen at least four of your advisors. What do they advise you on, and how did you choose them?
I have many people who I take advice from based on their ability and experience, anywhere from policy to leadership. I believe it is important for any leader to surround themselves with the best, brightest, and most capable.

Give me an example of a time you were faced with a difficult situation in eUSA politics. How did you handle it?
I have had a few dealings with the SEES terrorist organization when they have organized takeovers of my party in the past. Even if the enemy succeeds, it is important to hold your head high and remember... it doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down... what matters is that you always get up and keep on fighting.

How have you changed eAmerica during your political career? Explain the effect of your actions on the people affected.
I have been one of the main voices of reform. When no one was sticking up for the average eUS citizen, I have always done it whether it was politically expedient or not. By doing so I have tried my best to help citizens on a personal level and help our country by serving in the eUS Congress and as a Party President on several occasions.

Give me an example of how you’ve worked with people who did not share your philosophy or values.
I have tried to extend an olive branch to work cooperatively with others. For instance, in the August Election where there was an undemocratic primary held to determine who would be the "Unity" candidate, I ran with a left-wing candidate, Civil Anarchy. I am more than willing to work with reasonable individuals regardless of their political stances.

Give me at least four references that can discuss your integrity. What would you like to tell me about your integrity?
Certainly.... you could talk to Dutch Marley, Deificus, Devoid, Mattoze5, among other prominent citizens. I am always honest and upfront. I feel that someone has to speak the truth regardless of what it is, and I endeavour to live by that.

Do you have any last comments you wish to make?
Thank you for the opportunity to speak. I urge all citizens to please read my platform and vote for a REAL change and stronger direction for our nation on September 5th!

I hope you've all enjoyed this interview and encourage you to stay tuned for the next interview. Remember to vote and subscribe!

Till next time, my fellow eAmericans!
~ PrincessVictoria